chapter 25

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This is the 3 rd update of the day. Sorry I am not editing the chapter, I will do it later on. ✨



I stretch my body and wake up, Beside me I saw Yash. Open mouth hugging a pillow tightly. He always does this, there is always a pillow with him and in between us so whenever we sleep there is this pillow on which he places his hand and never remove it until he is awake. I dont know if it is his habit or he is doing just because of me? but whatever it is, he is a true gentleman.

I look at the time and think of letting him sleep. I stand in the balcony and have a look at the city. Little or more even if I say many stupid things about my country, I love it very much. It's not like Italy is not mice but the feeling of being in your family or a sense that this is my country is missing, everyone would feel like that not only me.

I always wanted to represent My India in the whole world but...I scattered the dream myself, I lost my own dream. I press both my lips together and my eyes start getting dwelled up with tears.

No Kripa, you decided you will not remember all this here, you will enjoy and you are enjoying with Yash very well. I rub my tears.

There is something in Yash that makes ne feel free, that I can be the way I want to be, I can be the way I was before and for that I don't have to try hard...him being with me makes everything easy. Him agreeing to my stupid stuff is like I am back in my college and school days. The fun  and adventurous version of me. I smile when A memory of me sneaking out in the night from the hostel flashes infront of my eyes and how.

shit no...Kripa. Stop thinking about past. 

I close my eyes tightly.

"beautiful city right?" I hear Yash from behind

I open my eyes and look at him. He smiles at me and I do the same.

"Are you okay? you look disturbed"

I shook my head "no...not at all. I am good"

He tilt his face and looks at me.

"um you said na we will do Bhangra or Zumba, lets do it then as you are awake"

"yes but first lets brush and get fresh, I am sure you are not that excited for Dance" He chuckled

30 minutes later....Now Yash is finding a music and the once he said to me, I have heard non of them.

"Kripa seriously you? you dont listen to music at all, really It was unbelievable even then and even now"

Finally he plays GOAT song by Diljit. He teaches me few Bhangra steps but I am unable get them. Wow he is really good at it.

"these were basic steps and now all you need to do it feel the music and groove with it"


He plays another music which is "ho gyi teri balle balle"

I match his steps and slowly I started liking it. I started doing my own steps and we started dancing together with energy and increased the volume as well.

we dance on many songs and it's the last song and while doing a step I lost my balance and was about to fall when Yash holds my arm and pulls me closer to him. I look at him and our breathings are very fast and we are standing very close we can feel it as well. My chest is lightly brushing with his and it is making me feel tickles in my stomach.

"It's better right?" He whispers

"what?" I could hardly hear my own voice

He smiled "Bhagra than gym"

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