𝟎𝟑𝟗; ᴀᴄᴛɪɴɢ

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CHRISTMAS MORNING DAWNED, cold and white. Aelora was wake up by Coventina who was carrying present presents alongside Anastacius.

"Merry Chrismast!!" She grined and started opening the gifts that was given to her. "Merry Christmas, girls." Anastacius smiled which is rare.

"Merry chrismast?" And of course, Coventina was the one who was calm.

"Be cheerfull! It's chrismast!" Aelora frowns. "No, it's just another day in this life until I die." Coventina shrugs.

"Nah but she is speaking fact tho-" A glare from Sirius shut the poor Slytherin up as quick as possible.

"If you want, we can show her our favorite place." Achilles suggests. "You do know that I don't want to talk to
you right? I don't even want yo be near
you." James states calmly.

"Really? Are you still mad?" Achilles asks, "What do you think!?" James grits his teeth. "J-just shut up!" He adds.

Meanwhile Antares looks at his hundreds of presents, not knowing which to opens first until he saw a familiar writing. "For the idiot."

It was a necklace with the symbol of of a snake, the snake lightening green colour. It was not difficult for him to know who sent this.

"Ha, I knew you would fall for me, ma déesse." He muttered.

"Aww she sent him a gift!" Narcissa smiles, her smiles quickly drops at the glare her mother was giving her.

"Keep up the pureblood perfect mask of course." Narcissa thought bitterly.

"I got so many presents!!" Draco grined, "And like every years, Antares still get the more account." Delphina pouts.

"Duh." Draco rolls his eyes and opened his presents. "They will try it late." Antares warned Draco. And the scene quickly shifts to The Great Hall looked magnificent.

Not only were there a dozen frost- covered Christmas trees and thick streamers of holly and mistletoe crisscrossing the ceiling, but enchanted snow was falling, warm and dry, from the ceiling.

Dumbledore led them in a few of his
favorite carols, Hagrid booming more and more loudly with every goblet
of eggnog he consumed. Percy,
who hadn't noticed that Fred had bewitched his prefect badge so that
it now read "Pinhead," kept asking them all what they were sniggering at.

"Now that the twin we knew!!" Gideon smirks and claps his hand.

"If he is more like Fabian," Marlene whispers.

Coventina sighs amused as she secretly watched Weasley and Granger.

"Are you okay?" Goyle's low rasp of a voice issued from his mouth. "Yeah," came the deep grunt of Crabbe from his right.

Weasley unlocked his door and stepped in front of the cracked mirror. Goyle stared back at him
out of dull, deepset eyes. Granger scratched her ear. So did Goyle.

"Oh, they really did the polyjuice." Remina sighs, "How troubkesome."

Weasley's door opened. They stared
at each other. Except that he looked
pale and shocked, Weasley was in distinguishable from Crabbe, from the pudding-bowl haircut to the long, gorilla arms.

"This is unbelievable," said Weasley, approaching the mirror and prodding Crabbe's flat nose.

"Unbelievable. " "We'd better get going," said Granger, loosening the watch that was cutting into Goyle's thick wrist.

𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔱𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 | 𝐇𝐏 ʷᵗᵐWhere stories live. Discover now