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Thank you for giving "The Clockwork Princess" a read! This story was my entry for the Open Novella Contest 2024.

I chose prompt number 66: A grim fairy tale is unfolding right before your eyes. As its author, it's up to you to put an end to the nightmare. My sub-prompts are 24: A desperate wish, made from the heart, is always answered. Sooner or later. 27: Sometimes love is what drives you to take your next breath. Other times, it's revenge. and 67. A promise is a promise. A secret is a secret. They must not tell anybody.

This story is a fairy tale about dark secrets, revenge and a clockwork princess. It is not marked mature but will feature violence and monsters. It will also feature LGBTQ+ characters and themes but this is not the main focus on the story.

Due to deadlines, some of my writing may be slightly rushed. This means you may spot some mistakes and errors throughout this story so please do feel free to point them out in the comments! I will edit through each chapter as best as I can to keep them as polished as possible when they are posted.

I don't know if this story will place in the contest but I will be working on it extensively throughout the duration of the contest with the hopes of making it through as many rounds as possible. Any and all support throughout this journey means the world to me so thank you so much for checking this story out!

Update: I did, in fact, not make it past the first round but don't dismay, I will still be writing to meet the contest deadlines as a personal challenge and will continue updating this story weekly until it is finished! (I'm also not actually sure I remembered to submit but we move lmao)

I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts on each chapter as they are posted!

Without further ado, let's get on with the story...

Without further ado, let's get on with the story

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current wordcount total: 22,450

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