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Saniya :

       I stepped into college, and the atmosphere was very salubrious, but the only fact that muddles me is that I have to face Rida. Her brother betrayed me and she never said anything about her brother. However with all those thoughts in my mind I stepped into my class.

Soon my eyes caught Rida's figure, we both used to sit in same bench, but now the circumstances has changed. She smiled at me, without smiling back to her I stepped towards other bench. Professor set foot in class and started taking class.

" Is he new to class? " I asked Priya and she is my other friend but not close as Rida.

" Yeah, this is his first class " she replied and I glanced at him. He seems young and he is also good looking. My eyes fell on his hands, they were veiny hands and those hands remind me of my husband's hands. Farhan has veiny hands, his veins are noticeable from the start of his biceps to his hands, and his biceps are so strong and brawny.......... Then I recalled the night he lifted me up, I can't forget the moment when I was in his arms. He lifted me like a small baby, I was very little in his arms.  'letting my wife sleep comfortably' his words echoed in my mind.

" Are you okay Saniya, what happened to you?!!! Your cheeks are so red. " Priya uttered and then I realised I was blushing. Oh god, this man is roaming in my head 24/7......

" Nothing Priya "

I begin to listen class.... The new professor stepped out of the class. However I tried to avoid conversation with Rida and spent most of the time with Priya the whole day. We both entered the canteen and she started to speak.

" What happened to you Saniya, you haven't attended college for so many days "

" I got married.... "

" Is that Rida's brother ??? I mean, I heard it from Rida "

" No, he isn't the person whom I am married to... " I paused and shortly Rida appeared and she settled beside Priya, and I continued " the man I am married to is Farhan Malik. He always supports me, looks after me like a small kid, he respects me each and every opinion, I meant the whole world for him, no matter how many women tries to flirt with him but he is always loyal. Most importantly he is genuine and he is a gentleman I found " I apprised Farhan in front of Rida.

" I am so happy for you Saniya. You got the gentleman " Priya utterance left me in state of bewildered about Farhan. Now I found what I feel for him.... Even though he is a beast for everyone, for me he is a kid who lost his mother and craves for love,,,,, I'll always stand by him no matter what the consequences are.

" Thank you Priya " I replied to her without giving a look to Rida.

" Did you see Afan?? " I questioned her, the last time I saw him was when he held my hand even , Priya was with me that day....
" I don't know Saniya. He isn't coming to college since so many days.."

" Saniya... " Rida started to speak and I straight away cut her words saying " I have to go Priya , my husband must have come" I replied and stood straight took steps towards exit. Rida kept marching behind me, but she held my wrist...

" Saniya, what happened to you!!! Why do you maintain distance from me. "

" Leave my hand Rida. I have to go " I declared.

" No Saniya, you are my only best friend. Why don't you talk to me " tears welled up in her eyes.

" Seriously Rida. You are asking me this!!!! And where did this wits go when your brother betrayed me in name of marriage and love.... You didn't even utter a word about that topic and now you are asking me what happened to me.... You have no idea how betrayal from you best friend feels like Rida. Now just leave my hand, and I am happy with my husband ." I insisted and she left my hand.

" Believe me Saniya, I have no idea about my brother's affair.. If I had known before why would I lie to you Saniya. Trust me Saniya " but this doesn't seem real to me, how can she have no clue about her brother's affair when everyone in their family knows it...

I turned and began to walk away from her then all of sudden I bumped into a man, my eyes caught a glimpse of the man who betrayed my family. He is Hamza, he came to pick Rida. He smiled to me instantly I refused to smile back and started walking away from him. I heard some girls gossiping about a hot guy and there he stood, Farhan, so they were talking about my man.
" He is married " I said to a girl..

" That's totally okay, it doesn't matter for us " she replied.

*Arghhhh* I walked towards Farhan.

" What happened to you and your friend " he asked.

" Leave about that, what were doing standing outside. Why don't you sit in car... "

" Arey what did I do, I was just waiting for you. Why are you angry about that " he replied to my question.

" You can wait for me even sitting in car Farhan "

" If I would wait in car, who will open the  door for you " he said.

" I'm not disabled person, I can open the door myself and --" but he cut me off saying " but I want to open the door for you and I want to make sure you sit comfortably and what's wrong with this "  he uttered,,, " Everyone are staring at you Farhan " I said.

" So my wife is jealous now " his words cut off by a random girl asking

" Hi Mister, can I get your number "

Rage exploded in me, I was about to push her away. But Farhan wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

" Sorry, I'm married to her. " he replied her and she turned away. His wrapped his arms around my waist in a protective way. He pulled me a little closer and my chest bumped to his abs, and he leaned closer towards my ears. " So my wife was jealous about those girls " he whispered in my ears,,

" Farhan, we are in public. Will go home now " I tremored.

He chuckled and left me, he opened door for me. Now I got to know, Farhan is right mam for me. He never exhibits his male ego infront of me... I drove back to home. I stared his face from side eye, he is having a sharp jawline. When he shut his eyes his eyelashes touches his cheeks... I chuckled silently.

" Ahhhh meri biwi, you can look me with directly. Why are you looking with side eye. " I immediately turned away my face .

We reached home and I got freshen up. Raziya ji prepared dinner and we all had it. I ascended the stairs. I thought of looking some reels, I started to look my phone. It is nowhere, I opened the drawer, I didn't found my phone but I found a ID of someone's. I took the card and stunned looking at the card.

" Afan " I whispered his name. How didi his ID card come here. What happened to him.

" Saniya " I heard Farhan's voice.

" Farhan tell me the truth, how did Afan's  ID come here. Do you know him ? " I asked him.

" Saniya I'll explain you later "

" What did you do to him Farhan " I yelled.

" I killed him "


What happens now..........

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