Chapter Four

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Not comfortable with the eyes of a demon focused on her, Stella jerked her chin up. "Don't count on it. It's not something I can control." she gritted out.

The man frowned at that and jerked his gaze back to Leon, "So the only person who might be useful can't even control their power?" he grumbled.

Leon shook his head, "Hibari, you can't judge them so harshly when they have yet to be assessed."

"Pfft, we don't need the assessment to know Poliv has sent us useless kids once more," Hibari pulled the cigarette from between his lips and tossed it to the ground, but before he could stop it, a flame surrounded it burning in a flash of fire.

He slowly moved his eyes to Stella, who tilted her head and smiled, "I'm sorry. I'm so used to burning just happened."

He narrowed his eyes at her threateningly, "What are you trying to say?"

Tammie pulled her arm, calling her name. But Stella ignored her. She had pride, and she wouldn't let a demon-born call her useless. She pulled her arm from Tammie and smirked, "All I'm saying is that you should first assess our ability before you call people trash. After all, you've Lykan, witches, nymphs, and pixies." She didn't say werewolves. She wouldn't let that kinds name slip from between her lips, "We aren't well known because we were thought to be useless. Don't forget there was a time Humans feared us all, some of us were even worshiped."

The silence after her speech drew the tension out between her and the Hibari demon. With a bark of laughter, he turned away from her. "We'll see how useful you'll be, Witch." With that he left the ballroom, the door shutting behind him.

Leon cleared his throat, clapping his hands together once. The map changed and revealed names under rooms numbers. "Now, let's refocus. You'll be sharing rooms with those who you relate to ability-wise."


"I wanted to room with you!" Tammie whined as she glared at the large wall hanging. She narrowed her eyes pouting, "I don't like the idea of being separated!"

Stella couldn't help shaking her head at her fit throwing, "At least you're with the Nymph, what's her name...Clara?"

Tammie rolled her eyes at that, resting her hands on her hips. "She's my complete opposite, all flower child, and vegan aura, I'm more broiled meats and punk rock."

"There, there, you'll get through it." Stella said comfortingly, as she patted Tammie's arm, "Worst case scenario, she strangles you at night with vines."

"Hah! So, not funny!"

Stella shook her head. Glancing down the hall, she could see most of the crowd had gathered their belongings and headed to their rooms. Grabbing Tammie by the wrist, she pulled her along, "C'mon, we don't have time to be lollygagging. I don't want to be late for lunch."

Tammie released a heavy sigh and followed her to where they'd left their bags. "Well, if I'm strangled by vines at least it'll be a cool story to tell."

Stella laughed at that, as she led her away from the wall hanging.


"Fuck my life."

Stella stared blankly at the female who was currently moving her clothes from the bag at her feet to the drawer near her bed. Their room was spacious, boasting two desks and two drawers. Their beds were pushed against the walls so that the center was free. The path leads to French doors that opened to a porch. The color was simple, the beige and green comforting to Stella, but she wasn't being comforted.

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