The return to Hell and reunion with family 18+(due to bad words)

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We cut back to the theater where everyone is celebrating but King who is standing in a room with his"mother" Lilith Morningstar

King:(leans against the wall while glaring) What do you want mother(snarls)
Lilith:(chuckles) Come on King I know you missed your mother

King:(growls) You think I missed you(smirks) HA why would I miss you. You left me and dad and Charlie and when I got older I had to take care of the multiverse

Lilith:(chuckles) Oh come on King after all you have been absent in hell for quite sometime now
King:(sighs) yes I have due to the fact that I've been busy watching the multiverse and protecting it
Lilith: I know that hun but please my little bloodmoon go see your sister

King:(sighs) Ok mom(looks at her) but I'm only doing this for Charlie and dad
Lilith:(hugs him) It's ok with me

For those who don't know who Lilith is

For those who don't know who Lilith is

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Here is my......mother(not really just au)

King Leaves with his mother and arrives in the theater


Everyone stops celebrating and sees King with a women

Lisa, Ei,Yae, Salem and Venelana: K.I.N.G WHO IS THAT!?(mad and shows some yandere side)

Y/n: Yea dad who's she?
King: Everyone this is my mother Lilith Morningstar, (looks at Lilith) Mother these are my wives: Salem, Ei, Yae, Venelana and Lisa.

My Wives:(bows) Nice to meet you ma'am
Lilith: (chuckles) Oh don't call me ma'am just call me mom(smirks some)
King:(blushes) MOM!?
My Wives: Hehe~ ok Mom

King:(sighs) Mom this my son Y/n and his son Zack and my daughter Klee

Klee and Y/n: Hey grandma


King: (sighs) Mom you can spend time with them later right now(sighs) Venelana, Y/n and Salem y'all can come with me to Hell because I need to visit my sister

Venelana and Salem: Sure dearest
Y/n: Ok dad
King: The rest can stay and do whatever(teleports away with Venelana and Salem and y/n)

King and his family teleport to hell

King: Wives and Y/n welcome to hell

King: Wives and Y/n welcome to hell

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