CHAPTER 1: The Waiting Room

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(TRIGGERS: Suicide mentions, depression, grief... anyways. Go ahead)

Drops of water fell from the sky and landed right on her brown hair. The smell of the fresh dirt invaded her nostrils. It was highly inconvenient for the heavens to suddenly bust open their flood gates given that she didn't have an umbrella on her and her car was still in the workshop getting its monthly maintenance. She sighed heavily as she knew that she didn't have a choice but to walk an awful 20-minute walk to her apartment.

Amar walked into the now heavy rain feeling the cold liquid sink into her clothing and touching her bare skin.

She could have just called her dad though. He would've picked her up in a heartbeat. After all she was his beloved only child but she would rather stay away from that house, especially Betty, his recent wife and that would have forced her to put a fake smile as to appease her father.

Dismissing the thought of that woman from her mind she picked her pace and held her bag tightly hoping that no water would find it's way inside and destroy her phone..

She walked past a few restaurants ignoring the weird eyes from onlookers who were probably wondering why she couldn't just have waited for the heavens to calm down but she didn't care. She didn't know those people so she cussed at them in her heart. Her phone begun to vibrate inside her bag. Who the fuck is it this time and what do they want?

Stopping by a liquor store the brunette pulled out her phone. Selena, of course she's looking for her. She had completely forgotten that she left her roommate early in the morning without saying goodbye since she had so much work to do at her part time editing job.

"Amar, how could you? " Selena said in her typical dramatic tone. Amar could picture the caramel skinned girl cussing all over the house the minute she found she was gone

"I'm sorry Selena, I had work to do and had to go for therapy after that and school... I couldn't wake you up either... Forgive me" she said feeling wet droplets from her hair fall on her back.

She could feel the sad sigh at the other side of the Iine.

"I get that work and school keeps your mind off of things but you really need to have some form of social life." Selena said.

Yeah, work makes me escape reality for a second. Stops me from feeling depressed or thinking of mom. She said to herself,.
"Amar I'm not saying you're not allowed to be sad don't get me wrong. I know exactly how you're feeling. It was difficult for me too when my dad decided to be a dick and OD on fucking heroine or some shit. We can never forget our loved ones but we can only take it one day at a time and find a way to move forward" Selena said.

Amar eyes welled up, Selena made it sound so easy. She blinked out the tears,

"Yeah, you're.. You're right. I'm only 22 and about to graduate, mom would have wanted me to be happy. Um... I'm going to get a bottle of tequila and bring it home" she sniffled.

"You know you can't drink that Amar" Selena warned her. Amar shook her head turning back to see the liquor store still open.

"I'll be fine Selena I'll call you back"

"Amar wa-" she hung up the phone and wiped her tears away. Putting her phone back in her bag she made her way to the liquor store and bought the bottle of liquor

It's been a while since she had alcohol, and thanks to her therapist,, she didn't think she needed much. But today she needed it, just for some form of peace. Maybe help numb the feeling of it being one year since her mom passed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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