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Brenda and her boyfriend were in a hot make out session, but quickly sprang apart when we entered the room, her face flushing with surprise and embarrassment.

I locked eyes with her boyfriend.

And my heart raced like a bat out of hell.

Brenda's face flushed as she introduced us, clearly flustered at being caught. "Um, guys, this is my boyfriend Clyde," she said, clearing her throat. "Clyde, these are my friends Soma and Mira."

I stumbled over my words, rushing to greet him before anyone else could speak. "Nice to meet you," I blurted out, trying to hide my own surprise.

Guys, I'm in a bit of a shock. I broke up with my ex five months ago, he's name is Clyde and now he's standing in front of me as my friend's boyfriend. Talk about an awkward situation!

My life has officially become a soap opera! This moment would be perfect with a dramatic soundtrack playing in the background - cue the melodramatic music!

Clyde's eyes widened, but he quickly composed himself. Mira, on the other hand, stood frozen in silence, her expression revealing that she was well aware of my history with my ex-boyfriend - a connection that now seemed all too complicated.

I couldn't help but notice how good he looked - and I mean that in the most literal sense. No hidden agendas or ulterior motives, just a genuine observation. He was undeniably attractive, and I was simply acknowledging that fact. Okay?

Clyde's neat haircut framed his handsome features, and the earrings he wore added a touch of allure. His outfit was stylishly layered, with a white shirt under a plaid long-sleeved shirt, and his dark jeans fit him perfectly, showcasing his sleek physique.

Clyde had a sturdy build, neither too lean nor too bulky. His broad chest and muscular arms filled out his shirt, a physique that was both impressive and familiar. I couldn't help but recall how those strong arms used to wrap around me, holding me close...


No, no, no.

Soma, snap out of it! He's Brenda's boyfriend now, not yours to swoon over. Remember, he's off-limits!

He caught me staring and smirked, clearly amused by my admiration. I rolled my eyes, exasperated. Cocky bastard.

I was mortified by my disheveled appearance - shorts, a oversized t-shirt, and a messy afro piled high on my head. To make matters worse, I was lugging a large polythene bag filled with food. I felt completely underdressed compared to Clyde's put-together look, and it only added to my frustration.

"What did you guys buy?" Brenda asked, her question breaking the silence. I snapped out of my trance, tearing my gaze away from Clyde. I dropped the polythene bag onto the small table in the corner, then dragged it to the center of the room. Mira and I sat down on our beds, while Clyde took a seat on Brenda's bed, creating an awkward triangle of exes and new flames.

"Fried rice with hotdogs and eggs," I replied, my tone a bit sharp. "But we didn't get any for your boyfriend, Brenda. Just enough for the three of us." I said it pointedly, trying to make it clear that Clyde wasn't included in our little gathering.

Mira subtly cleared her throat, cautioning me, but I couldn't help myself. Brenda offered to share her food with Clyde, and I let out a snort of disbelief before quickly covering it up with a cough, trying to play it off as a harmless reaction.

"Excuse me," I muttered, standing up abruptly. I needed to escape the suffocating tension, and stepped out into the fresh air. The contrast was palpable - the outside world was a welcome respite from the heavy atmosphere inside.

I was torn, unsure if I should confide in Brenda. My thoughts were a jumbled mess. Just as I was lost in contemplation, a gentle cough broke the silence. I turned to find Clyde standing before me, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, his eyes locked on mine.

I gazed ahead, my eyes fixed on the horizon, as Clyde stood beside me.

His deep, rich voice was like a warm embrace, familiar and comforting. "Been a while, Soma," he said, his words dripping with nostalgia.

"I never thought we'd cross paths again, especially not like this," I replied, my voice tinged with a mix of emotions.

"Me neither," Clyde agreed. Just then, I heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Mira walking towards us. I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the interruption.

"Time to come back inside, guys," she said, her voice gentle but firm. I nodded, and Clyde and I followed her back into the room, leaving our tense moment outside.


The days that followed were strained, with Brenda constantly inquiring about my well-being. I repeatedly assured her I was fine, but the truth was far from it. My mind raced with worst-case scenarios, fueling my anxiety and making it difficult to shake off the feeling of unease.

I knew I had to confront Clyde, so I finally unblocked him on WhatsApp and sent a text.

I sent a concise message: 'We need to talk.'

Clyde responded promptly, within 15 minutes, asking 'Where?' His swift reply caught me off guard, and I sensed he understood the gravity of the situation.

I chose a discreet location in town, far from school, to avoid any chance encounters with Brenda. Meeting Clyde was already complicated enough; I didn't need the added stress of explaining our secret rendezvous to her. Unromantic rendezvous, note.

I dressed with intention, aiming for a casual yet polished look. I chose a comfortable pair of blue flared jeans and a simple white t-shirt, avoiding anything too dressy or attention-seeking. I styled my hair neatly, added a hint of perfume, slipped on my sandals, and grabbed a shoulder bag, exuding a effortless, everyday vibe.

I didn't want to look shabby neither do I want to look like I dressed up nicely because I was going to see him.

As I finished dressing, Brenda shot me a sly grin. "Got a date?" she teased, catching me off guard.

I nearly choked on my own saliva, coughing to cover my surprise. "No, no, just meeting a friend," I stammered, trying to sound nonchalant despite my racing heart.

Brenda's grin turned knowing. "Let's be real, your social circle consists of Mira and me." She then sighed, her expression turning wistful and downcast. "I was hoping to hang out with Clyde, but he claimed he had something urgent to take care of."

My face flushed with embarrassment as Brenda's words hit a nerve.

Mira, sensing my discomfort, quickly intervened, trying to redirect Brenda's attention. "Brenda, can you..."

But their voices became a distant hum as I struggled to regain my composure, my mind racing with anxious thoughts.


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