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 Chapter 19 Live Broadcast

  In the hotel room, Su You opened the plan form he made.

  "That's why I came to you. I don't have much time. I need to get large quantities of diesel and gasoline, as well as weapons and equipment, guns and ammunition, satellite phones and Starlink equipment terminals, as well as motorboats, boats and helicopters. , high-end medical supplies and consumable equipment, even seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and harvesting machinery."

  "I have already stocked up on food, but the more the better, I hope I can continue to stock up."

  Amber has recovered from the shock and is filled with joy. Its the excitement of being eager to try. He agreed wholeheartedly, "Okay, leave all these to me."

  He looked at the plans, "But these items require a lot of funds and space reserves. I need to purchase a batch of warehouses first." He

  looked up at Su You , Su You directly threw him a black card, "No limit, just swipe."

  Amber took it, his eyes lit up: "No problem."

  However, he still pointed out the flaws, "Sister You, in the base, except These are not enough, civilization is the inheritance of everything, and books are the greatest treasure."

  He felt a little sad: "There is so much digital information and many cultural achievements now, so we should try to preserve them as much as possible."

  Su You understood what he meant.

  Many literature libraries and resource libraries are also very important. After all, culture is the foundation of everything.

  "You can take care of these, hardware, processors, solid-state storage, physical servers, etc. If you can buy a batch, try to buy a batch."

  Su You said: "However, I need to transfer goods in the warehouse. You try to find a group of hidden warehouses."

  Amber: "No problem."

  Amber is a smart man.

  If Su You didn't tell him, he certainly wouldn't ask how and where Su You moved so many items.

  There are also doomsday websites. Why Su You would do this? If you think about it carefully, you can notice many details.

  She must make full preparations for the end of the world.


  On this day of live broadcast, Su You is ready.

  She played the game first, explained the background and combat system of the Wasteland online game, evaluated the strength of several characters in the internal beta game, and played several levels of the game.

  Basically, under the background of radiation, base personnel conduct survival and material searches, and fight against various alien beasts.

  In the resting space for playing games, a discussion about doomsday websites appeared on the barrage.

  Someone said: "Sister You, have you registered? Is the game reversed?"

  "Yeah, I always feel that this countdown is a bit like an official announcement of the game. I have to say, this aroused my interest. Interested."

  "I think so too. There are still quotas for staying in the Doomsday Base. Is it the initial closed beta quota? I was a step late, but unfortunately I didn't grab it." "

  Hahahaha, Sister You said in the group, maybe it's a single player We went to register for the game gift pack first, and the quota was taken up. Of course its normal that you cant grab it.

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