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chapter twenty five (xxv) : that's life

'dont you think i know that!!?? dont you think i know that?! im not stupid and im not gonna act like i dont know what happened to her! just...just leave me with her..give me a moment, even if only for a few seconds,...just let me have this...' sodo screamed out as his voice got louder and louder. As they all started to give him a moment and walk away aether stayed in the same place 'your not going to turn her! I don't even think you want to turn her! you didn't love her at all!' He shouted back. "shut up!! just shut up!!" he screamed out, the sound of his own voice filled his ears as his emotions got the better of him. 'she was the only person ive ever actually loved this much, the only person ive ever actually wanted to be with. just because im not able to make this decision and im scared doesnt mean i dont love her'

'If she was my girlfriend I'd turn her, probably because I actually loved her' aether snapped. his mind went back to all the times aether had criticized him and his relationship with you and he couldnt hold his anger in for any longer. 'how dare have no right to act like you understand what me and her meant to each other...because you dont...and dont you dare act like the words you are saying are the truth, you dont know anything you know nothing!' he screamed out angrily, his voice echoing off into the distance. 'I know I could have loved her more than you love her' he snapped.

this set him off completely as he saw red with anger after hearing those words, he couldnt even believe what he was hearing as aether continued to dig himself into a deeper hole. 'shut up! just shut your mouth you dont know anything! i loved her, more than ive ever loved anyone or anything and you will never be able to understand that!'. 'Whatever sodo, your nothing but pathetic' he said walking off past Swiss who stood and watched the whole interaction. this set sodo off almost to the point of no return, the absolute nerve and arrogance of aether to call him pathetic and tell him that he didnt love her enough to turn her had him more angry than he had ever been in his entire life. 'dont you dare walk away from me! dont leave like you know anything! you will never be half a man as i am you pathetic excuse for a human being. i loved that girl more than you could understand and if anybody is pathetic, then its you.'.

Swiss walked over and sat besides sodo who was still holding y/n 'I'm sorry about him know how he is..' he said getting tears in his eyes. his mind seemed to go blank for a moment as Aether had finally decided to leave him alone for now, the anger in his body started to slowly die down as he saw swiss now sitting next to him and talking to him. 'yeah...i know how he is...i really do.' his voice was filled with bitterness but also with regret as he realized that he had let himself get carried away with anger and had ended up saying some extremely harsh words and that he wished there was a way to take them back. 'She loved you sodo, you know she did don't you?' Swiss asked him.

the memory of the last time he had seen her was flashing in his mind as he remembered her telling him she loved him more than anything in her final moments. 'yes...she loved me...she loved me more than what i deserved...she was too good for me..'. 'Then you'll probably also know that whatever you choose she will accept. With the way she loved you..I don't think she'll be mad but like aether said I'm afraid it's up to you' Swiss said patting his shoulder. 'what if i cant bring myself to do it? what if my fear of her being unhappy takes over and im unable to actually turn scared so afraid of what this might mean and what ill have to face if i do this...and if i dont then ill have to live with the fact that shes gone forever....' he sighed out as a tear dropped from his eyes. 'she was taken from me far too soon...why does this have to happen....?'.

'Your born then you die sodo..that's life I'm afraid.' He told him before adding 'if you're not able to do it then that's it you'll have to accept that she's gone, whatever you choose I'm not going to be mad at'll always have me as a friend I promise you that' he told him taking his hand away and getting up 'I'll leave you alone to think, okay?' Swiss smiled as he started to walk away. 'i just...i cant believe this is happening...s-she was my everything, i cant believe i have to make this decision...i dont know if i can handle that kind of responsibility, i..i just wish that i could spend my life with her...i dont want to have to live without her...i dont want to make that choice...i just want her to come be with me one more time.....' he was starting to breakdown as swiss walked away from him, he was so scared and all he wanted was to have one more day with her. 'Do what you think is best, you'll feel it in your heart' Swiss told him before disappearing back into the house.

as swiss disappeared out of his sight, sodo's heart slowly started to sink with a heavy feeling in his chest as he was left completely alone. he was filled with a mix of different feelings, anger, sadness, fear, regret, guilt, they were all hitting him so fast his body felt like it could collapse at any moment. all he wanted was to have her back by his side once more, was it really that much to ask for....

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