what are you

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Logan keeps banging on my door so hard I can see it bowing in. "Stop it, Logan, just stop it!" He doesn't stop. he just keeps banging, screaming for me to open the door. I'm not sure what to do. On one hand, I'm absolutely terrified on the other. I don't really think he'd hurt me, but right now, my fear is winning. "I would let him in little bird." I whip around and scream the banging on the door stops. "Melody, are you OK? Open the door, love. I need to see you're ok. " im standing here staring at Luke, just lounging in my recliner in front of the TV and watching a show. "What the hell are you doing in my apartment!" I screech at him he doesn't turn away from the screen. i have a choice to make. Am I more scared of Luke or Logan? I make my decision quickly and rush to unlock the door. Logan barrels inside moving past me. "What the hell are you doing here, Luke?" Logan says in a low, dangerous tone. Luke finally turns to look at Logan. "She just smells so good, Logan. I couldn't help myself but come in and sit inhaling her scent all around me." What the hell? Inhale my scent? Im standing here shocked, looking back and forth between the 2 strange men in front of me. "Stay away from her luke, she's already been claimed by Damion" luke scoffs and has an anger swirling in his eyes that I've never seen on anyone I instinctively take a step back and luke notices "don't worry little bird I would never harm you" it's my turn to scoff how do these strange men standing in my apartment expect me to believe neither will hurt me. Something is wrong with them, something that I'm not sure im ready to know. But I need to swallow my fear and find out what I'm dealing with. "What are you?" I ask no one in particular. they turn to look at me but stay silent. I huff and become impatient. "Tell me, now. Or get out and stay the hell away from me. " they give each other a sideways glance. Logan sighs and runs a hand down his face. "Why don't you sit down, love, and I'll explain," I shake my head. "im fine standing right here," I say with a finality to my voice. Logan clears his throat he looks nervous it's an unbecoming look on him. "Fine. I am a shifter or a werewolf as humans like to call us. Luke here is a vampire, and so is Damion. " he tells me completely seriously, and I burst into laughter. I can't help it. I laugh so hard I'm crying. Once I've calmed down, I wipe my eyes and stare at both men. They still have a serious look on their faces. I freeze at the looks, and my heart starts beating fast, my breath coming in small, quick pants. "You're serious, aren't you?" They both nod. I put my hands on my hips, still not willing to believe such a thing. "I don't believe you you're going to have to prove it to me" Logan looks to luke and gives him a small nod within seconds luke is in front of me touching my cheek with a freezing cold hand I flinch at the ice cold touch. I look into his grey eyes, and he smiles. Then I see them and gasp fangs, real-life fangs growing out from his gums they literally grew out right in front of me. That's pretty damning evidence. I can't move. I can't speak. I can't do anything, so I do the only thing my body will allow, I faint.
I wake with warm arms wrapped around me and snuggle in closer, then it all comes rushing back the date logans eyes him banging on my door luke. Luke's fangs. Luke has fangs! I sit up quickly and scramble off of logans lap. "Easy love, you fainted. I don't want it to happen again. Just breath for me, love. " I suck in a breath, but it doesn't help at all.
I look to luke, are you going to bite me?" I ask him just above a whisper, terrified of his answer. "No, not unless you want me to," he smirks and winks at me. I turn to Logan. "Are you going to bite me?" He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. " No love, if I bit you, you would be mine forever." I'm sure I look like a fish with my mouth opening and closing. "So it's true, it's all true? The books I've read the movies I've seen? Wolves have mates that they bite to mark as mates?" Logan looks taken aback by my question but nods. I turn to Luke. "And what about vampires?" There's been so many different descriptions of vampires and how they live i want to ask him a million questions,"and you, how do vampires work? Do they have mates also? Will you burn in the sun? Do you sleep during the day? Can you heal bites with your saliva?"Calm down, little bird," he chuckles. "I will answer all of your questions." I nod. Just then, a bang comes from my room, and I know who it is.

"shit! Don't move its damion, " I say, holding my hands up so they don't walk any closer to me or my room. "Hello, my love. Having a party without me?" His voice holds no malice just pure mischief. " I, no! I mean, I wasn't it's not like that. " I stumble over my words, and his smile grows wider."Don't worry, my love, I'm just curious as to why my brother is here?" I whip my head to look at Luke. He shrugs,"she smells good."
"You're brothers? So you're a vampire, too?" His eyes widen a bit, and he throws Logan a deathly glare,"you told her? We agreed we wouldn't tell her until she was ready. " he spits at Logan."I had to! She saw my eyes change. My wolf took over for a second, wanting to be near her. I pushed him back quickly, but not before she saw my eyes. " Damion moves quickly in front of Logan and slams his fist into his jaw. I run over and pull Damion away from Logan. "Everyone stop!" I scream at them. "Get out, all of you get out now! I need to be alone. I need to think about this. " they nod as they file out one by one. "I'll be watching you, my love," Damion says as he exits my apartment. Of course, he will. Once they're all out, I bolt my door and go to my bed. There on my pillow is another black rose. I pick it up and admire its beauty, then throw it across the room screaming. I flop down on my bed and surprisingly fall asleep easily thinking about vampires and werewolves being real.

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