Throw Your Life Away

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 Billy strings incoherent words together. His sentences don't make sense and finally, June ushers me out of the hospital room and tells me that he seems tired.

"You're full of shit," I tell her once we're in the parking lot. "I don't know what you guys are hiding but I swear to god, June, if it has something to do with Angela's disappearance and you're keeping it from me—"

Sheriff Gray's voice cuts me off from my train of thought. He's over by his cruiser talking on the phone.

"I don't care if it was a prank! It wasn't victimless!" In a lower tone, he adds, "You know what I have going on in this town and now I have one of my own in the hospital. I'm reporting every last one of you to the higher ups."

June grabs my arm. "Let's get out of here."

I pull out of her grip, my stare focused on Sheriff Gray. "What is he talking about?" I ask June.

She shrugs and flashes me a confused look. "How would I know?"

I roll my eyes. "Maybe you should just leave." My words don't have a lot of fire behind them. I don't want her to leave. The last thing I want is for her to listen to me.

"Sawyer." June's voice brims with hurt.

"If you're not going to be honest with me..." I pause, not wanting to say what's about to come out of my mouth. "What's the point of all this? What's the point of us working together if you're not going to tell me what's going on?"

June sucks a level breath in through her nose and exhales slowly.

I hold my breath in my chest, waiting for her to agree. Dreading the moment she nods and tells me I'm right. That she never should have gotten involved. But June doesn't look angry or upset. She looks lost in thought, maybe even torn between a decision.

After a moment of silent contemplation, she leans closer and drops her voice to a whisper. "Let's go back to my place. We can talk there."

I eye her suspiciously. "I swear to god, June, if this is an elaborate plan to get in my pants again—"

June laughs out loud, drawing quizzical looks from bypassers.

My cheeks go hot. I hate it. I can't stand the way she makes me blush.

Leaning closer again, June says, "As if I have to come up with an elaborate plan to get in your pants?"

I slap her arm hard. "I'm not easy, June." My voice is dangerous but I can't help the smile on my face.

"I didn't say you are." June smirks and starts toward her truck.

"Then why are you smiling like that?" I ask, refusing to follow her.

She continues walking so I have to give in and trail after her to her truck even though I want to stay rooted in place and make her come back.

"Are you going to answer me?" I ask when we're close enough to her truck for her to unlock it.

She shrugs but refuses to turn so I'm forced to look at her broad shoulders. "I don't think you're easy... For other people."

A mix of a scoff and a gasp comes out of my mouth. "What's that supposed to mean?" My voice is uncertain. I already know what that means but I ask anyway because I have nothing better to say. She's right. No one's ever broken through my defenses like she does. No one makes me feel the way she does.

"It means," June stops and faces me now, "You're easy for me."

I roll my eyes but she can see right through my mask. "I am not easy for you."

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