⁰¹ ; new beginnings

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     𝐅or a moment, you were caught off guard by the feeling of suddenly falling

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     𝐅or a moment, you were caught off guard by the feeling of suddenly falling. Panic struck your body, but then you realized... you're an angel. With WINGS. You face palmed yourself for panicking at something so silly before flexing your back muscles to flap your wings. You began swiftly floating through the air, catching your bag with your stuff last minute as it had escaped your grasp after you entered through the portal.

     After a while, you took some time to observe the scenery; the sky was crimson red above you, and under you were different parts of hell decorated perfectly to resemble a pentagram. 'How charming,' you thought to yourself sarcastically. The only sounds you could hear were your wings flapping and the screams of the sinners below.

     You began to hype yourself up, still doubting that you were even up to the task at hand. You heard so much stories about hell and how dangerous it could be, these very stories being told by Sera herself. Did she really value your life and friendship if she was this willing to send you out like this?

     Finally making the decision to get out of your own head, you dove down furthermore, determination written all over your face. You flew through an unfamiliar city, not too low for the sinners who gawked at you to reach. You wanted to find somewhere relatively safe to land, to form a plan.

     "Holy shit! Is that another fucking angel?!" you heard a panicked voice of a sinner below. "Are they coming back for more?! Are they gonna start killing us again?!" another one screamed.


     Below, they began screaming and yelling, running away while others stayed and stared at you, as if waiting for you to make a move. The shock from their words and actions made you freeze mid-air. You decide to float down closer to the streets to try to calm the uproar. Yes, you were absolutely terrified of sinners but they were once humans as well, and you thought you should treat them with kindness.

     "People of hell, I am not here to harm you! I am simply here to-" you began with a smile but was interrupted with a rock being thrown at your face! The sudden action made you fall to the ground, holding your cheek. There was now a bruise forming on your [S/C] face. Your golden blood began dripping down from your mouth— you're pretty sure the rock damaged your gum.

     "Get that angel bitch! I bet her feathers would sell for a lot," a grinning, large imp began closing in on you as you were sat on the dirty concrete sidewalk. Many more demons shared the same grin as they moved in closer to you, even some with guns. Before any of them could touch you or your precious wings, you darted up above them all.

     What you didn't know, there were cameras on you, filming your every move and broadcasting it to multiple news anchors, including a certain TV overlord's. Sinners from all over watched intently from the comfort of their own home, and even on the streets. They needed to be sure this angel did not come back for yet another extermination, especially since the last one was just yesterday.

     You went far up, but couldn't rest as bullets began shooting up at you. You were lucky they all had shit aim as you zoomed away, avoiding and swerving the tall buildings of hell. You did not stop, and your back muscles began to burn from exhaustion. In a panicked state, your eyes began searching for some where to hide, even if it's just for a little bit.

     Soon, you spotted a dark alleyway. God, it wasn't the safest option but it would do. Quickly, you attempted to fly down without getting noticed, almost crashing down and falling on your feet from the momentum you had from your flight.

     You hunched over, holding your knees and taking the time to catch your breath. You look back behind you at the streets to be sure that no one followed you. All you saw was fire and sinners running all around to try to find you. The place was a wreck— hell is a wreck.

     What were you to expect, right? You couldn't answer that. You thought it would be maybe a bit more put together... but this place was in ruin, as if the whole realm just went through a war.

"Holy shit." You hear a feminine voice mutter, which made you freeze. Slowly, you looked back in front of you to see a white, fluffy... spider demon? You both made eye contact, and you slowly began straightening yourself out.

     He then reached to his side, to pull out a gun— "WAIT!" you exclaimed, holding your hands up, not wanting to get shot. You knew it wouldn't kill you, but it would definitely hurt. Or maybe it would kill you; for all you know, this could be the demon that has the weapons that can kill an angel.

     He stopped his hand, seeing your frightened form. You didn't seem like the other angels at all. "Hey, hey... there is a huge misunderstanding. I am not here to kill anyone." For now. He looked at you, still suspicious. His gaze went behind you, to the spear that was strapped on your back. You had forgotten about it.

     One of the spider's many hands still remained hovering above the gun at his side. "Dr-Drop the spear, sugar," he demanded. You looked confused for a second, before remembering the weapon on your back. You grabbed the angelic spear slowly from behind you before placing it on the ground, and then kicking it to the demon in front of him.

     His different colored eyes examined the weapon, his hand moving from the gun. "What's stopping me from calling those demons out there to come kill you?"

     "Oh please... please don't. Listen, I'm not here to harm anyone. I'm here looking for someone, I promise," you pleaded. The demon straightened up as he crossed one pair of arms, and another pair on his hips. "You're not gonna harm anyone, but you brought a fuckin' spear, babes." He looked at you with an unamused expression.

     "It's for protection... in case I do get into trouble. I would never attack first, I swear," you promised once again, desperate for this demon to believe you and maybe let you go. Although, you had no idea where you would go.

     With a sigh, he picked up the spear. "Okay, I believe you. I'm keeping this, though. I'm guessing you don't wanna go out there with all the... traction," he asked as if he was about to suggest something. You shook your head. You definitely did not want to go back, and he was the most trustworthy guy right now.

"Follow me, I might know someone who can help you." The spider began strutting further into the alleyway. With relief, you began following behind. "Thank you so much mister..."

     "Angel dust. Cut the goody two shoes act and quit being polite, you're in hell, let loose," He flashed you a toothy smile, showing a singular golden tooth. You smiled back softly, not knowing what he meant by "let loose." This was just how you were.

     "May I ask, Angel Dust, why you were here... in the middle of an alleyway?"

"Ah, just doing some work," he replied, one of his hands pointing with his thumb behind the two of you. You were confused, but followed where he was pointing to. There lay a man, —demon— probably drunk out of his mind with his back against the wall, behind a dumpster. He was happily giggling to himself.

     Holy shit, you didn't even see him. You turned back to ask Angel what he meant, but then it clicked. Ohhh. He's a sex worker. Gotcha.

     You seemed to be in a daze, you experienced a form of culture shock as you realized none of this would have slide in heaven.

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