Chapter 4: Escaping the Institute

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Suddenly, the door to the closet burst open, as did part of the wall, knocking the soldiers back. A huge pink rhino stood in front of them and smirked.

"This is the part where you run."

The guards all screamed and started running away while Nimóne chased them around and knocked them out of the way.

Ballister and (Y/n) stood still in shock at what they were seeing.

Once Nimóne finished off the guards, he turned and ran towards Ballister and (Y/n), lifting them up onto his back.

"Oh no. Oh, good Gloreth." Ballister panicked.

Nimóne ran down the halls of the palace, knocking anyone and everyone out of his way.

He jumped into a stairwell and slid down the stairs, bursting into a room filled with office cubicles.

"What are you?" Ballister exclaimed.

"I'm Nimóne." He answered.

"So you're a boy and a rhino?" (Y/n) asked.

"I'm a lot of things."

Nimone jumped out of a nearby window and shifted into a gorilla. He held (Y/n) and Ballister in his arms as he used the columns to jump down into a court yard.

He ran back inside after changing into an ostrich, with Ballister and (Y/n) clinging onto him.

"Are you two okay?" He checked.

"No!" Ballister replied with a look of fear on his face.

"Uh...maybe?" (Y/n) answered, uncertainty in her voice.

"You both promised." He reminded them.

He turned a corner and came face to face with multiple guards with swords drawn standing in front of a door.

Nimóne quickly sifted into a large whale and slid across the floor into a large dining area.

"Huh. This floor is surprisingly stable." He commented.

The floor began to crack.

"Ah, there we go."

Nimone fell through several different floors, creating large holes in multiple floors until he landed in a long hall filled with giant statues of past knights.

Ballister fell off of Nimóne and panted heavily. "You. You did that on purpose."

"You catch on quick boss."

Suddenly, the large statues started to fall over from the loud thud he made when he landed.

"We need to get out of here." (Y/n) urged.

"Right." Nimóne shifted back into a rhino and picked Ballister up again.

He ran to the end of the hall, dodging the falling statues, heading right for a window. Despite (Y/n) and Ballister's protests, Nimóne jumped through the window, falling down the large mountain that the palace stood on top of.

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