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My body is numb, I can't feel anything but I am conscious. I don't know where I am and why I can't feel anything, I can't move.

I groaned as I felt a headache. Little by little I felt my body and the warmth of where I was sitting. Am I in hell? I died and there is no hope of going to heaven. I'm a bad person, I killed many lives to live. I am selfish i don't care for others feeling, i only care for myself.

I slowly opened my eyes and the smiling man appeared to me. I think he's only in his 20s, thin, messy hair, dirty and shabby clothes, black under his eyes. He looks sick. He even looked crazy because of smiling.

he shook the teddy bear he was holding. I noticed that we were on the side of the street, the weather was hot but we were in a cool place. I was sitting on a bench while the man was kneeling in front of me.

"Iri, papa brought you a teddy bear do you like it?"

he became uneasy when i didn't reply nor react. I was busy solving everything. Where am I? Did i perphaps reincarnate? I'm not numb but it's hard to believe.

I'm in the body of a 3-4 year old child and I'm sure it's not my body when I was young because there's nothing like this and I know my body. Just looking at this skin, I can tell. My skin is slightly brown while this one is whitish, Smooth like a doll.

This man in front of me called me Iri and claimed that he is my father. The fuck! Who the hell is Iri? Is it a dream? But I can feel it wasn't.

Suddenly, Iri's memory flashed in my head. Not just her past memories but also her future.

Irithel Von Silva. The Villainess of the famous novel in my past life.

I facepalmed and let the tears fall from my eyes.


Iri's father panics, his name is Clint Larrix. Von Silva family adopted Iri when she was 5 years old.

Clint stood up and picked me up to settle down.

"I....i'm sorry princess. p-please don't cry, I promise I will buy you your favorite doll next time. I will work for it. I-iri!"

I can't blame why this person reacts like this because the real Iri is picky and doesn't like him. Iri is brat since birth

But me? I can't help but feel happy. Because in my first life I never felt love and appreciation. This man really treasure his daughter, I feel sorry for taking his daughter's body. I don't know what happened to the latter and where she is but I promise I will take care of her father.

I reached for the teddy bear that he placed on the bench, he bent down so that I could reach it. I hugged the teddy bear with a smile on my face. He froze and a big smile appeared on his lips, there was a tear in the corner of his eye.

if I used to be, I would have laughed at him, but now that I see this person's personality, I can't.

I don't know what I did to give me this life. I admit that I am a bad person and I do not believe that god exists. But now it has been proven that he exists.

maybe this second life means second chance for me to change myself, to change my fate. I have committed many sins and I will not expect God to forget that, but whatever punishment he gives me, I will accept it.

"You're so beautiful Iri, my princess. You deserve a beautiful life. I wish I could give you that life. But don't worry I will find a way for it."

This man is dramatic.


He stopped just because I called him. After a while he suddenly kissed me on the cheek. He immediately turned his face away from me and looked at me worriedly.

"I'm sorry Iri. I know you don't want to be kissed on the cheek but I just can't help it hehe..."

His eyes were filled with fear when I looked at him with no emotion. He thought I was pissed but the truth is I'm just not used to it. My soul is already 24 so receiving a kiss from someone is not normal for me.

I didn't let anyone touch me for almost 11 years.


He stuttered. I chuckled


I noticed that he was surprised by my laughter.

"You're happy. I should bring you a gift everyday to remain in your mood."


I noticed that my new voice was small and sweet. Even without looking in the mirror, I know that this body has a beautiful face.

My clothes are fine and my stomach does not growling. For others it's hard to believe that this man is Iri's father. But just looking at his face I know he is Iri's father.

Whitish, piercing nose, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, thin lips. Surely, he is a handsome man if he is not in this condition. And it's not surprising that Iri looks good even though her father is like this because he does everything for her.

I don't know his background story. All I know is that he got a 16 y/o girl pregnant at an early age and the girl just left them after giving birth. Maybe his family also abandoned him.

just great!

Iri's belief is that she was looked down upon in life because of her parents. Tsk! She didn't know she was lucky because his father was responsible. Unlike me who was abandoned by both parents after their divorce.

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