Chapter Twenty-Five

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Pretty much everyone in this ballroom is taking their sweet ass time getting to a table.

This traffic rivals the downtown streets. You take a step or two and then there's a new face who wants to chat with Angelo or Keith or another player. At the third person who stopped Ang and Keith, Scar and I just looked at each other and made our way to the nearest empty table.

"Dessert will be served by the time Keith's done chatting," Scar says as she hangs her purse on the back of her chair. Damn, that's a nice—and expensive—bag.

Every time I've ever thought about investing in a purse that's more than three figures, the vision of my anti-gas medication sitting there at the bottom of the bag cracks me up so much that I need to pop a tablet.

"Do you think they enjoy this?" I ask.

Scar glances back at Keith and Angelo, who are now talking to a retired player-turned-announcer for a prominent Canadian sports channel.
"The attention? Maybe Keith more than Angelo, to be honest. Keith is always happy to chat someone's ear off."

Yeah, it was obvious on my second day here that Angelo is more reserved. And I'm sure it doesn't help that the topic of conversation is usually himself and his achievements. But I'll give him credit. Each time he says 'Thank you, we appreciate your support' you can't tell that he said the sentence 57 times already this evening.

Someone I don't recognize has joined the trio and he claps Keith on the back so hard that Keith nearly curses before he composes himself. Scar snickers at Keith's surprised expression. A highlight of the young evening, no doubt.

The party really gets started when Jacob and Jennifer join our table, taking seats opposite from Scar and me.

"When I saw you guys here, I figured we'd better come sit. You know, raise the talent level of the table, to make up for Angelo and Keith," Jacob says with a boyish grin.

"Please," Jennifer teases. "The only thing you're 'raising' is the average age."

Jacob throws his hand over his heart in mock—or maybe real—offense.

"Hey, you set yourself up for that one," I say.

Taking a cue from the rest of the room, we pull our chairs and get comfortable. No seriously, if Keith and Angelo get here by the first course, that'd be amazing. There is only a handful of people still standing, and they're part of that little group. The person they're chatting with can't take a hint. It's kind of amusing, but I'm tempted to go save them.

I'm giving them a look, trying to get Angelo's attention when Mac Johnson enters my line of sight. His eyebrows raise in recognition as he approaches our table.

"Got room for one more?"

He's asking me?

"Uh, yeah. Of course."

Mac relaxes as he takes the empty seat near Jacob.

"Thanks. I had to step out to take a call and most of the tables are full. I didn't want to be stuck with all old guys. No offense, Jacob."

Jennifer doesn't hold back her laugh. Her husband is blushing and it's adorable.

"So, where's your man?"

Scar swivels in her seat and sighs. "Oh, Keith is finally on his way. Took him long enough."

"I was asking you, Harlow, actually."


Yes. 'What' is all I said. No manners, all shock. Scar makes a clucking sound with her tongue and even Jacob and Jennifer look a bit unsure.

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