Chapter Eighteen.

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The first few days started off as subtle things, Ivan cooking breakfast, shopping trips here and there, movie nights together, but then he started going over board, candle lit baths with roses every night, breakfast in bed, calling beauty therapists to the house to pamper Elizabeth. She appreciated the effort, but it was getting tiring and she felt like she was always dragged away from her daughter to do something she didn't have the energy for.

"Ivan" She huffed as she stood at his office door with her arms crossed, he couldn't help but smirk and how cute she looked when she was angry. "Whatever you have planned today, I want you to cancel" She said as she stepped in the room, he leaned back in his chair trying to hide the smile on his face as he watched her.
"I am absolutely sick to death of being treated like a Barbie doll!" She squeaked making him chuckle to himself. He nodded at her words as he sat forward, placing his hands on the desk.
"I'm just trying to give you everything you deserve Eliza, everything I should have given you before" She looked back at him, her eyes softened at his words.
"I know, I know, but please, I just want to spend time you and Tilly, you don't need to spend all this money for me to forgive you, what you need to do is show me I'm a priority, that you want me" She said softly as she sat down on the chair in front of his desk.
"Then what do you want to do today?" He asked as he pushed his work to the side. She sat there thinking about it, her eyes landed on the window giving her an idea.
"Let's take our daughter home" She said with a definite nod, like she had made up her mind. "I'll start packing our bags-" He cut her off, reaching for her hand.
"What do you mean go home?" He asked, hoping she would say what his been dying to hear.
"I want to go back to the pack house". His smile grew wide as he stood up, walking around the desk and pulling her to stand up with him. He cupped her face and kissed the tip of her nose.
"Anything you want baby, let's go home". She smiled at his words as she wrapped her arms around him, he pulled her in tighter, kissing the top of her head.
"I just want you to be happy Eliza" He mumbled in her hair.
"I want to sort out the packs garden, last time we went there for the funeral it looked like they had let it all crumble and die" She said with a scrunched up face making him laugh. He knew how much she loved that garden, before he met Eliza the garden was bare, empty and colourless, other then the green grass but even that was lifeless, when she moved in with him she spent so much time bringing it to life and he couldn't wait to see her do it again. He used to secretly watch her out the window of his office, her face would scrunch up in disapproval if anyone touched her plants, she always had them set in a certain way as well, keeping the colours together in order, otherwise she thought it looked messy and careless.

They packed up their clothes and organised Tilly's belongings, the car was full to the brim by the time they had finished.

Returning to the pack house seemed to bring it to life within seconds, everyone was over the moon for her return, Ivan took Tilly to his office for her to nap as Eliza got all the young pups to go with her to her gardening shed to begin on the garden, the mothers watched together, as they brought food out, setting up lunch tables for everyone to eat outside, with the sun shining so brightly and everyone in a good mood it seemed fitting. Even the packs warriors took time out of training to run over and help their Luna and their children.

Ivan soon enough joined them all, he watched from the window till her remembered what Eliza said before they came. He picked up his daughter and rushed to be with his pack.

Everyone enjoyed the events of the day, the elders came to join, greeting their Luna and helping where they could. Eliza couldn't stop smiling, she had missed this so much, this was her home and no one could possibly get in the way of her doing what she loved most, caring for people.

Ivan came up behind her and wrapped his free arm around her waist as she stood watching the children.
"You are the best thing that ever happened to this pack and to me" He whispered as he kissed the top of her head. She looked up at him, before looking at their daughter who clung to her father, her head rested on his chest as she slept.

After a few hours in the sun the mothers called their cubs to the table to eat, Eliza was bent down sorting through the flower beds when a car skidded to a stop next to the pack house. She knew instantly whose car it was and ran towards it as fast as she could. It was Jacob.

"Amanda! She's in labour!" He yelled, pulling his partner out the car in bridal style before carrying her into the living room of the pack house to lay her down.
"Someone call for the pack doctor!" Eliza yelled as she stroked Amanda's hair, hushing her softly.
"The pack doctor isn't here Luna, what should we do?" Eliza's heart dropped, she knew this baby was coming now and there was no slowing it down.
"Amanda, we're gonna do this together, okay?" Amanda nodded whilst panting. "Jacob, hold her hand" He done as he was told as Eliza moved to lift Amanda's dress up, babies head was already there.

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