11. ɢɪʀʟs ʟɪᴋᴇ ɢɪʀʟs

214 8 14

i'll be doing a small time skip, as Mani won't have a huge role during Marcus' tape. So, we'll be starting with Zach's one.
i hope it's not a problem x

Mani and Zoya were spending the past few weeks attached by the hip. Zoya helped Mani overcome her fear of going out, confessing that she was a victim as well - the two girls finding comfort in each other.

Zoya became a regular visitor at the Atkins' house. Mani's parents loved her, Jeff was happy that his sister was now smiling more. It was all going great, and Mani was finally starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, healing was actually possible.

She was now seating in the cafeteria between Zoya and Monty, Justin, Jess and Sheri across from them. Mani's group welcomed Zoya with open arms and soon she became one of them - befriending both Mani and Justin, and being on good terms with the rest of them.

„Yo." Jeff greeted, kissing his sister's head as he and Clay approached. Jeff sat down next to Monty, while Clay stayed standing, fiddling with the straps of his backpack. Mani rose her eyebrows.

„Are you going to sit down or what?" Monty spoke up making Clay's head snap his way. The Jensen boy looked between Mani and Monty who both looked at him expectantly, and he nodded before sitting down next to Jeff. Mani nodded and went back to talking to Justin, the two talking about some girl from their Bio class.

„Shady, can I talk to you for a second?" Mani turned around and saw Zach standing behind her, nervous look on his face. She nodded and stood up, grazing Zoya's shoulder before walking after Zach.

„Everything alright?" she asked when they went outside and he turned around, rubbing his jaw.

„Yeah, well no." he stammered, and she put her hand on his arm.

„You can tell me, Zee." the girl encouraged and he took a deep breath before speaking up.

„I think I like Hannah. And I sat with her after Dollar Valentines after Marcus stood her up." Mani's eyebrows shot up as she let go of his arm.

„You're kidding." she stated and when he looked down, she scoffed. „Fine, whatever man. Do what you want to." she turned to walk away but he caught her wrist, making her heart stop. „Let go of me!" she shouted and he immediately let go, realization coming on his face.

„Shit, Mani, I'm sorry..." he tried to approach her but she took a step back, shaking her head as her breathing quickened. Zach cursed as he looked around, not knowing how to console his friend.

„Hey!" Monty shouted and pushed Zach back, the boy raising his arms in surrender. „The fuck are you doing?" he spat as Sheri approached Mani, the girl gripping her arms as she struggled to breathe.

„Nothing, man, you know I wouldn't touch her!" Zach defended, and Monty rose his eyebrows.

„Yeah?" he said, even though deep inside he trusted Zach. But seeing Mani in this state, after her being better for the past week, set him off.

„Monty, stop." Sheri spoke up from where she was hugging Mani, who was now shaking and crying into her shoulder. „You're okay, I've got you. He's not here." she whispered into her friend's ear. Mani nodded and gripped her jacket as Monty approached them, putting his hand on Mani's back.

„I've got her, get Jeff." he whispered and Sheri nodded, letting him take over. He wrapped Mani up in his arms and rubbed her back, whispering quietly to make her calm down. Jeff ran out of the cafeteria, his eyes immediately falling onto his sister and best friend. He ran his hand down his face and approached, Mani instantly falling into his arms.

𝐷𝐴𝑌𝐿𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇 - 𝑇𝐻𝐼𝑅𝑇𝐸𝐸𝑁 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑆𝑂𝑁𝑆 𝑊𝐻𝑌Where stories live. Discover now