Chapter 3 "Old acquaintance"

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It was a few days just before the favorite day of every TO. Plain clothes day. But they still had to wait for it. On this day, Grey had told them that a good captain would come to visit them and ask for help in a case. He also said that they should be honored  that he visited us to solve the case.

But when the man stepped through, the door introduced himself to everyone, a heavy shiver went down Lucy's spine.

"So everyone. This is Captain Carson from the Hollywood station. Officer Chen, you maybe know him?"

And yes, Lucy did know him. But she didn't answer. She couldn't.

Tim looked over to Lucy, who- Tim had to blink a few times. Lucy was standing there, sweat appearing on her forehead. Shaking a little, her shoulders tensed, and her chest went too heavy and too fast up and down. Tim thought that she might be sick fever maybe, but then, he saw her eyes. Her eyes were wide opened and fixed at one point. Captain Carson. He decided to step over and put a hand on her shoulder. She flinched at that touch but then looked at him when he whispered into her ear.

"Hey, you ok?"


She stumbled. No. Lucy wasn't ok. She was not even in the nearby of it. Of course, there had been a  reason why she had transferred from Hollywood. And this reason stood directly in front of her. It had started harmeless. He bought her her favorite coffee when she stayed longer at the shelion to do her paperwork. Or he had made her compliments about her work or hair or anything. But with time going on, it had become terrible. It started with unwanted touches. First, on places like her arm or her shoulder. Then her lower back, waist, and later breast and ass. She knew just too well that not a lot of people would believe her. She had just made TO, and he was a long termed Sargent. He was also standing over her in the chain of command, so she had just let it happen.

For a half year, she didn't do or say anything. But Lucy should've, because then, it happened. She had stayed longer to finish paperwork again when Sargent Carson called her into his office. Nobody was there anymore. They were almost alone at the station. But she had no choice. He was her superior officcer, and she was just a TO. So when she stepped into his office, she was nervous about what could happen. And she was right with her bad felling. He came closer to her and whispered.

"Don't you dare tell anyone. I can quit your querear within two minutes. Got that?"

Lucy just nodded when he came closer and grabbed her wrists. He put them above her head and started kissing her neck. But that her Sargent had pressure against her was her fault. She hadn't told the Captain about her diabetes what, of course, was forbidden or even more than that. One day, she had been on shift with Carson. She had almost passed out because of her blood sugar. So he had noticed but told her to keep his mouth shut. Yes, she had made the mistake of trusting him and deeply regretted it.

Just one month! She told herself. One month until she would be finished with training her first rookie. But this month was going by slowly. A few times, she got pulled into his office and got kissed  or his hands into her panties. One time, he wanted her to take off her clothes. Lucy had protested, but he had a won. On the next day, it was just one week left until the rookies would get P2, she handled him the papers for transfer with the words.

"Let me transfer the station. I won't tell anyone because of the secret you have against me, but you will have to let me transfer because it'd be obvious if you don't."

He looked at her, annoyed but knew that he couldn't do anything to stop her.

As fast as she could, she went out of his office and to her first rookie. Hailey Salton. They had gotten along pretty well, so when she asked Lucy to pull over, she did it. Chen was worried as she turned to her but to her surprisness, noticed that she seemed nervous. Her leg was shaking, and she was plain with a strand of her blond curls.

"Well... uhm... maybe it's none of my business, and you wanted that, and if you did, the captain knows... but it just didn't look like you wanted this."

A questioning expression flew over Lucy's face when Hailey finally blurted it out.

"I saw Sargent Carson kissing you last night, and it just didn't look like you wanted that! I swear I wasn't watching you... maybe it's alright, and I shouldn't have mentioned it... I'm sorry."

The TO saw her panicking and interprupped her.

"No... no, it's okay... you're right. I didn't want it."

Lucy continued with a warning for her rookie.

"Ok, listen. This hasn't happened the first time, and it would happen again, but it won't. This is my last week here. When I finish your training, I will transfer to Midwilshere station and you should do the same. Come to Midwilshere with me or ton any other station and get away from him!"

And that was what they had done. Five years ago, Lucy Chen and Hailey Salton had come joined the station, and everything had been fine. Until yet.

Lucy snapped out of her thoughts to answer Tim as honestly as possible.

"No... I will go to the toilet."

And with that, she left a confused, worried Tim and went straight to the restroom where Hailey had already been waiting. She was still a patrol officer, but that was okay. It was exactly that what she loved.

"How could this happen?"

She hissed over to Lucy, who looked desperate. But she wasn't able to speak. Leaning against the door, she slid down along her back until she sat fully on the floor. Shaking, sweating, and yes, even crying.

Just as she had found her words again, the door opened, and Tim stepped in. He had been scared that her sugar had gone low or too up again, but when he saw her crying, he knew it wasn't that.

His first and for Lucy absolutely right reaction was kneeling down next to her and hugging her until at least the shaking had ended. But when he pulled away, she saw the desperate and confused expression on his face, thought for a moment, but them decided.


She started.

"I need to tell you something."

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