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"Ace of Spades." I threw a card against one of Innocent Zero's members, killing them.

Wiping off the blood off of my cheeks I continued forward

Headmaster Walhberg has requested me to infultrate Innocent Zero's base to dig through information on who he wanted from the school on such a short notice I couldnt mention this to Rayne

Besides I have good control over my magic now so I was not going to die that easily.

I stopped my walk and I came face to face with Cell War again.

"Welcome back. Are you looking for another game of hide and seek?" Cell War was amused to see me alive and well

"Im not here to play around." I took out my wand now

"Ooh~ more daring arent you? Too bad father has ordered me to kill you."

"Queen of Hearts." I summoned the cards and they went flying towards him

"Carbo Rain!" Cell war summoned carbon blades and they collided with my cards

I took another card

"King of Diamonds: enchance." I enchanced my next attack now

"You stand no chance against me. Stupid two-liner. Give it up." He was smirking as his skin turned into a protective armored

"Creation: Ak-47." I summomed a gu-

My bad.. were not doing that-

"Creation: Netherite pickaxe." I summoned a minecra-

Wrong tool. Were using another thing-

"Tell me who you are after and you might not suffer a horrible death."

Death already is horrible- why even say horrible-

"That wont do! We should know eachother for that~ but since this is our second meeting I'll tell you!" He then raised his wand

"Joker of Clovers." I took the card and it immedietly dissappeared to turn into a shield and now I gripped on my wand tightly

"We are after Mash Burnedead." He laughed and was now using his-- SUMMON??

"Summon: Hephaestus." He calls fourth his god.. pathetic.

Ends and then begins~♡ Rayne AmesWhere stories live. Discover now