| -Part 9: The World Looks Red- |

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Unicat: "Heyy Dogday!"

Dogday was scratching his head

Dogday: "I'm going back to bed.."

Unicat: "Nope."

Unicat quickly ran up to the bedroom door and closed it before Dogday could go back in it.

Catnap: "Dogday this isn't a dream."

Dogday: "Yeah Catnap i love you too."

Unicat: "Why the hell would you go back to bed in a dream silly?"

Dogday's eyes widened when he realized.

Dogday: "But... No... Who are you? And why is Catnap in a cacoon?"

Catnap sighed and Unicat bowed to Dogday.

Unicat: "Catnap got caught in a net trap. As for me I'll explain eveything in a minute."

Unicat breathe out a cloud of darker colored poppy gas to Dogday's face. Dogday immediately fell asleep and fell over to the ground. Unicat walked up to Catnap now.

Catnap: "Is he alright??"

Unicat: "Yuh."

Unicat breathe out poppy gas to Catnap too. Though he didn't fall asleep like Dogday did.

Catnap: "You know that doesn't work on me right?"

Unicat: "Mhm!"

Unicay grabbed the tv remote and hit Catnap's head with it. He passed out.

Dogday and Catnap were both dreaming now. They opened their eyes sitting on a flying soft crescent moon in a pitch black void together. Catnap was scratching his head because of the hit. Unicat suddenly appeared ontop of the moon and looked down at Dogday and Catnap.

Dogday: "Where are we...?"

Catnap: "NOW you're in a dream. Oh and Uni, that wasn't nice."

Unicat: "Sorry i had no other way! Anyways, let me show you how i met Catnap first."

Dogday: "B- But wait- what was your name?"

Unicat: "My name is Unicat dear. Uni for short."

Unicat then jumped inbetween them.

Catnap: "Can you not?"

Unicat: "No!"

Unicat snapped her fingers and a giant cauldron filled with water appeared at the bottom of them.

Catnap: "Really?"

Unicat: "Why not?"

Unicat snapped her fingers again. The cauldron was now showing something.

Dogday: "This is weird..."

One day Catnap decided to go and investigate the vents. While he was doing that Unicat entered the sewers in panic and tried to run away from something. She got caught in one of the traps and lost her left arm. Catnap heard a loud scream coming from the place under him and threw his tail in there. Unicat quickly got up and grabbed Catnap's tail and he pulled her up. Catnap turned around to see Unicat mumbling in pain. They stared at eachother shortly then Catnap told her to follow him. She was crawling pretty slowly so Catnap used his tail to speed her up. They arrived at the Home sweet home laundry. Catnap locked the door then got back to Unicat. He grabbed a white shirt and ripped it to be like a bandage and bandaged her arm.

Catnap: "What's happening?"

Unicat didn't respond because she somehow couldn't speak.

Catnap: "Sewers isn't a place you should be escaping to, you know."

"The Moon Gets Its Light From The Sun" (Catnap x Dogday)Where stories live. Discover now