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"It has been brought to my attention that a certain book that says terrible things about every girl in this grade has been discovered in these halls, and was turned in to me." Principal Duvall sternly spoke as Regina and Phoebe quietly speed walked through the crowd, sitting next to Gretchen and Karen, who had saved them seats.

"Do you know what's going on?" Gretchen asked Regina, who just shrugged.

Principal Duvall then held up the pink burn book that Gretchen knew all too well. She gasped, turning to Regina, "How did he get that?" She whisper-yelled. Regina then shrugged nonchalantly again, this time a grin appearing on her face. Gretchen furrowed her brows in worry; what was the blonde up to?

"Now, I will be getting to the bottom of this. I've already got a few suspects that I've been notified of." Principal Duvall warned. Gretchen grew even more nervous; did Regina know what she had done? Was this her way of getting revenge?

Regina noticed the worried look that had appeared on Gretchen's face, "Oh, don't worry. I blamed it all on Cady. That's what she gets for trying to cross me." She whispered reassuringly. Gretchen nodded, comforted but also unconvinced. She hoped and prayed that Regina would never find out; truth is, she regret what she did deeply. She had realised that Regina was just a cold person, and she was really making an effort lately. It was as if Phoebe had helped Regina turn over a new leaf! Gretchen was worried for Regina's reaction to her and Karen forming a romantic relationship, but she took it surprisingly well and was fiercely supportive of them. Because of this, Gretchen had been doing everything in her power to make it right; she would grab Regina lunch every day, give her the homework, and even made sure she and Phoebe would get an A in PE by bribing the Coach Carr. Still, she felt extremely guilty and would likely spend the rest of her life trying to make it up to the girl and hopefully without her knowing.

Principal Duvall then let Ms Norbury take over, figuring she could level better with the Junior girls.

"Before we start, does anyone have any information about this book?" She asked.
Regina raised her hand, "Well, from what I saw, there's only one girl in the grade who isn't in it." She said, looking towards Cady, who cowered. Some of the girls murmured, to which Ms Norbury shushed them.

"Okay, so how many of you have had a friend talk about behind your back?" Ms Norbury clapped her hands together. The girls, who had their eyes closed, almost all raised their hands. "Okay, now who has talked about a friend behind their back?" The girls all raised their hands again, some of them smirking when they looked around. "Okay, looks like there's some girl on girl violence happening here. What we're going to do is write out an apology to someone - preferably a friend or ex-friend - that you've wronged and read it out to the cohort." Regina and Phoebe groaned.

Regina then stood up, "Um, can I just say something? I really don't think we have a clique issue at this school and I'm not sure why we should be punished for something that we didn't do." She crossed her arms.
"Okay, Regina. Thank you. Now, everyone go off and write out an apology, and we will meet back up in 10 minutes?" Ms Norbury ordered.

Ten minutes later, everyone gathered around the makeshift stage Ms Norbury had set up. Regina and Phoebe hung back in the crowd; in Regina's opinion they both had nothing to apologise for. A few random girls went first, then a girl who Phoebe didn't recognise went. Towards the end, she heard a deep voice cough out, "She doesn't even go here." Phoebe turned around and snickered as her eyes fell on Damien, who then hid behind his fan.

"Wait, do you even go to this school?" Ms Norbury asked.
"No, I just have a lot of feelings." The random girl wailed.
"Oh, okay. Lets get you out of here, honey." Ms Norbury replied, leading her out of the gym.

Then, it was Janis' turn. "I'm sooo sorry that me and my friend Cady over there in the crowd - give everyone a wave -  decided it would be super fun to trick Regina George and take her down. First, we gave her these bars that made her gain weight," Regina fumed at her ex childhood friend's speech, "And then we convinced Phoebe that Regina was cheating on her just so that she would break up with her and date Cady instead, who was like super in love with her." Janis had let her suspicion ps get the best of her and had now turned on Cady, deciding to expose her.

With that, Cady stormed out in embarrassment. Regina noticing this went after her, mumbling "I'm gonna kill that bitch." Phoebe briskly followed after her to make sure she didn't do anything too drastic. Cady speed walked out the front doors, Regina hot on her tail. Cady sped up once she noticed she was being followed.

"Hey, face me like a real woman!" Regina yelled at her as Cady halted in the middle of the empty street. Regina then walked closer, towering over the redhead in efforts to intimidate her. Phoebe hung back, giving the two their space while still keeping an eye on them. Almost the entire school had also followed them out, watching and recording from the top of the hill.

Cady spun around, meeting eyes with Regina.
"So, you wanna apologise? Or do I have to make you." Regina growled threateningly.
"I'm not sorry. Phoebe is wayyy too good for you and you know that! She deserves way better than you and I was just trying to help her see that."
Regina's eyes widened, taken aback by Cady's boldness, "Oh, and as if she would go after you if we ever broke up? In your dreams. You know, you're just as bad as me, if not worse!"
Cady rolled her eyes, but before she could argue a deafening honk interrupted her. Regina gasped as she laid eyes on the large bus that was barrelling towards the two girls at high speed and there was no sign it was slowing down. The crowd gasped and yelled out. Regina stood there, frozen and bracing for the impact. It was as if everything was moving in slow motion as Regina's life flashed before her eyes; wow, I was a bitch, she thought to herself as she reflected on her life. All that she could think of was how much she would miss Phoebe if she died right now.

Before she could even finish dreading that thought, she felt a pair of arms grab her arms from behind and forcefully pull her backwards, causing the blonde to tumble back ontop of the person onto the sidewalk, narrowly missing the bus. The school watched in horror and shrieked as Cady was sent flying from the impact of the bus.

After the shock wore off, Regina sat up, eager to thank her saviour. She looked down, seeing that it was Phoebe. "You just saved my life." She gasped out. Phoebe just smiled, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins. She couldn't believe she had just done that, it was almost as if her body was on autopilot. Luckily she did, though, as Regina may have met the same fate as Cady, who was now sprawled on the ground unconscious.

Regina hugged Phoebe tightly, silently thanking her. Phoebe hugged her back, running a comforting hand through the blonde's hair, which made Regina melt.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Principal Duvall yelled as he rushed to the redhead's side.

Phoebe and Regina shared a look; they knew they wanted to get revenge on the girl but they didn't realise it would turn out this extreme.

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