Chapter 14

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We started training that very afternoon. And we started with my least favorite activity.

"Running," Olin said. "That's what we'll start with."

I groaned. Orton sighed next to me. Ezra simply looked amused. We were standing in front of the cabin, dressed in workout clothes- which consisted of a tank top and leggings for me, and sweatpants for the guys. I kept my eyes scrupulously off Ezra's top half. Ogling my mate in the presence of my parents would be mortifying.

The wind gained in strength, and clouds gathered overhead. We all looked up.

"The weather is reacting to your emotional state," Ezra said, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"That's going to be very inconvenient," Vanessa said. She looked at me. "Do you think you can contain your powers?"

My magic right now felt like a stormy ocean. I had no idea how to even begin to use it. I frowned.

Ezra squeezed my fingers to get my attention. "Do you know how I lose control sometimes?"

"Yeah, when you makes stuff explode," I said with a playful grin.

"Not on purpose," Ezra growled out.

"Details," I said, "but go on."

"Anyway, you can feel it through the bond, how I always keep a lid on my powers, and how I reel them in when I'm angry."

I slowly nodded. "So I should do that?"


I focused on Ezra's end of the bond, discerning his powers. It was easier than I thought, mimicking the way he kept a leash on them, extending the leash whenever he wanted more of them or tightening it when it threatened to overflow.

The wind calmed down, and the sun peeked through the dispersing clouds.

"Much better," I mumbled, looking up.

"Good job," Ezra said, squeezing my hand.

Olin and Vanessa were looking at us with a small smile. Olin clapped his hands once. "Alright, let's go. Orla and Orton, you two will be doing some running first. Ezra, you're with me and Vanessa. You need to start learning how to use our magic."

And so I ran.

I expected it would go just as it had every time I attempted to run. However, I lasted surprisingly longer before a stitch appeared in my side. Orton and I ran around the massive lake. His legs were longer and he was clearly used to running, so my pace must've felt like torture. Yet he was kind enough to slow his pace to match mine.

Vanessa, Olin and Ezra were still by the cabin. I could feel Ezra tugging on my magic through the bond. His training must be going well.

"You can run ahead if you want," I told Orton, gasping for breath after the third lap around the lake.

"I'll keep you company," he said. He wasn't even breathing hard.

"You're used to running, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Dad had started training me since I was pretty young. I was running seriously since I was around nine or ten. I think we were in Egypt at the time, and it was summer. Imagine running in that heat." He shuddered. "I really hated running back then."

"I guess I have it easy then. The weather is nice these days," I said.

Orton gave me a look. "You realize you can just change the weather if you don't like it."

I chuckled. "I guess you're right. I need to learn how to do it first. Right now, my magic feels like it's a big pool of knotted threads. I don't know where to begin."

His Miracle Mate: Rise of the Moon Childrenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن