Chapter 19

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Minho sat in up in an unfamiliar room. He'd slept maybe 2 hours. He was surprised he even managed to fall asleep. Checking the time, he saw it was 3 in the morning. He sighed. All the memories from last night came flooding back to him. He felt bad for telling Bangchan about Jisung, but the worst thing that could happen was that Chan thought he was insane. Which he probably did.

He felt sick. Like something was boiling in the pit of his stomach and it hurt.

He slowly got up, his legs shaking and made his way to the bathroom. He leant over the toilet bowl.

After a while, he thought it was gone and he went to stood up, but immediately fell back down. Coughing and spluttering. Blood escaped his throat and he spat it into the bowl. However, he couldn't be surprised because there was something else in his mouth as well. He spat it out.

A petal.

It sat lonely atop the blood which mixed with the water.

Minho gasped quietly. Another round of blood and more petals.

There were three in the bowl.

He stood up, legs shaking, and stumbled his way back to bed.

What the hell was that?

That cannot be normal.

He didn't want to bother Chan about it, he'd already done so much for the boy. Maybe Jisung knew something.

Slowly, Minho makes his way to the door, but not before writing a little note on the notebook.

'Left to see Jisung. Don't look for me. Thank you for your help, you mean so much to me.'

He shakily walked out of the house and started the journey to Jisung's ice rink.

Luckily, it wasn't far from Chan's house.

He staggered through the overgrown bushes, feeling weaker by the second.

He was scared. Terrified. He'd just thrown up blood and petals. Rose petals.

Was that something you could go to the doctor about? They'd probably lock you up for government experiments. Minho shivered at the thought.

Finally, the large door came into view and with a lot of struggle he pushed it open.

Immediately, he collapsed on the floor.

The sudden thump woke Jisung up.

He groggily got up from the bench he was sleeping on and pulled the blanket off him. Minho had brought him some pillows and blankets to make the sleeping experience more comfortable for him because sleeping on a bench, you can assume, is very uncomfortable to do every night.

"Minho?" Jisung rushed over to the boy who was trembling on the floor. He sat him up and leant him against the wall.

Jisung brought Minho's head onto his shoulder and played with his hair whilst holding his hand, gently caressing it.

"Min, what happened?" Minho just cried. He cried into Jisung's shoulder.

He was so scared and confused, he didn't know what to do, or what to tell Jisung. The younger simply held him tighter, not questioning anything.

"W-what's happening t-to me J-Jisung?" The older sobbed. The choked words were only just understandable.

"I don't know, baby, I don't know, but it'll work out." Jisung tried his best to comfort him and it seemed to work as Minho's muscled relaxed at his words, but he was still crying.

"There w-was blood a-and p-petals." He gasped quietly.

Jisung could only sit there confused. What was the boy talking about? What did he mean by 'blood and petals'?

Jisung had so many questions but he knew this was not the right time to ask nor was Minho in any state to answer them and if Jisung did ask, it would surely bring back unwanted memories.

"Baby, let's sit on the bench, okay? Wrap you in a blanket." Jisung helped Minho get up. The older still clung to him as Jisung helped him carefully over to the bench.

They sat down and Jisung immediately brought Minho back into his arms after safely securing the blanket around him.

"You must be so scared. It's okay, it'll work out." Jisung kissed his temple as he said this, his warm breath made Minho feel safe as it brushed against his skin.

Although Jisung was a ghost and his body was always cold, Minho somehow found it to be warmer in the boys arms, feeling comforted and safe.

He relaxed against Jisung and drifted into sleep.

The younger sat awake. He knew he wouldn't sleep because of what he was just told.

If Minho had what he thought he had, his life was on the line.

Jisung felt tears well up in his eyes. He didn't want Minho to die.

He did love him and he did want to spend every second with him, but he also wanted Minho to have a long life, to forget about him, and to find a loving, living partner and have a family ect.

He didn't want Minho to die. He felt like it was his fault.

He aggressively wiped the tears of his face and leant his head on top of Minho's head, closing his eyes, he cried himself to sleep.

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