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We live in the realm of screens,

entwined with wires,

our existence tethered

to the digital domain.

Through curated feeds,

we catch glimpses of lives,

projecting our longings

onto their curated façades.

We scroll, endlessly searching,

craving connection

amidst a symphony of voices,

seeking validation

in the currency of likes and shares.

Yet amidst the curated illusion,

an abyss of emptiness looms,

a profound yearning

for the tangible,

the authentic,

the unfiltered.

We observe as others navigate,

their joys and sorrows

flashing before our eyes,

and we question,

is this enough?

Or are we simply bystanders,

spectators of lives

we can never truly inhabit,

forever ensnared

in the realm of the vicarious?

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now