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I pull up my boxers and pants, handing Kenzie her clothing back as I button my pants. We're both rushing to get ourselves put back together. Once were both reset to as normal as possible, I start to reach for the door.

"Wait!" Kenzie grabs my wrist, "What are you going to tell him?"

"He not dumb, he more than likely already knows what was going on in here!" I turn to face her. Her eyes are still bloodshot from the weed we smoked but she's frozen in place.

"He's going to tell Summer!" She keeps her voice low, but she's basically yelling, yet not slurring a single word. It's like she hasn't had a sip of alcohol all the sudden.

"Why are you so worried about people seeing us together?" I blurt out.

"I don't know," she sighs, crossing her arms over her chest. I know she knows why, she just won't say it.

"Well, it's happening," I tell her but I try not to sound annoyed or mad even though I am a little annoyed and mad.

I reach for the door handle and pull it open. There stands not only Trevor, but Summer. Shit.

Trevor smirks at Summer, "Told you."

"Oh my god," Summer's eyes are wide as she looks back and forth from me to Kenzie.

"Uhm can we talk?" Kenzie says walking towards Summer who's nodding as the two girls walk down the hallway.

"I seriously just have to pee," Trevor shrugs as he steps into the bathroom as I step into the hallway.

I take a breath as I look down the hallway where Kenzie's standing facing me with her arms crossed over her chest. She's just nodding at whatever Summer's saying, I wish I could see Summer's face and maybe figure out what she's saying. But then a few minutes later the two girls hug and Kenzie walks over to me.

"Can we get out of here?" She asks her big green eyes looking up at me.

"Yeah," I nod as she reaches for my hand.

"Food?" I ask as we start down the stairs.

"Oh yes! Please!" She looks over her shoulder at me. I pull out my phone and call us a car home as I let her just pull me to the driveway.

"What did you and Summer talk about?" I ask as we sit on the curb waiting for the car. We've been sitting in silence for a few minutes but I just need to know.

Kenzie's resting her head on my shoulder and she's letting me rest my hand on her thigh so whatever it was I owe Summer a thank you.

I feel her lift her head and look at me, "She told me to just feel my feelings, to stop fighting them despite our past."

Her hand reaches for mine, then she smirks as she says, "And I may be a weeeee bit drunk and high, but I really like you, Logan. I have since high school, even after that shit show of a prom night, I still like you. And oh boy have you just gotten hotter!"

I can't help but start hysterically laughing at that but Kenzie's sitting beside me also laughing.

"Someone had to say it!" She says still laughing.

"I'd say the same about you but you'd probably slap me," I chuckle.

"Say it! I wanna hear I got hotter! I was so awkward in high school," she says and couldn't be more wrong.

"Are you crazy? You were far from awkward!"

"Oh c'mon! I was the weird junior hanging out with you and your senior friends."

"Kenzie, you and Macey were the talk of school, and not only because of who your dad was," I nudge her with my elbow and she shakes her head with a smile.

"Oh whatever!"

"I'm not kidding! Jason, Brock and DJ tried to ask you out first," I tell her.

"No they did not," she laughs.

"Well they wanted to but I told them you were dating someone," I shrug.

"Logan!" She hits me on the arm, "You liar!"

I just shrug as my phone dings, telling us our driver is about to pull up. I push myself off the curb to stand up and only stumble a little before I turn to Kenzie.

I put out my hand for her, "I really like you too."

She puts her hand in mine looking up at me as I help her stand up.

"All the shit you said, uno reverse it," I tell her as we come face to face.

"You're an idiot," she laughs but then her eyes meet mine as she laces her fingers with mine, "But it sounds like we're on the same page so let's get food and go home and maybe I'll be able to make another lil joint appear."

"No, no, no, you're done for the night," I shake my head as the silver SUV we were waiting for pulls up.

"Oh c'mon! Don't be a party pooper!" She follows behind me as I the driver rolls the passenger window down.

"For Logan?" The driver asks.

"That's me," I nod, opening the back door and letting Kenzie climb in first before sliding in beside her.


I've still got a full face of makeup on but I'm sitting on Logan's bedroom floor in one of his t-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants as I pull out everything we got from In-N-Out out if the bags.

"Here ya go," Logan says coming back in handing me a water bottle before he sits on the floor with me. Not even questioning why I'm sitting on the floor and not the bed.

"Boring!" I tease him twisting the cap off the water bottle and taking a drink.

"Oh shut up!" He groans. I chuckle taking a bit of my burger. And that's the moment my phone starts ringing. I pick it up to see Sam's contact photo taking up the whole screen.

"Shit," I mumble chewing faster. I forgot to tell them I was leaving!

"Sam, I'm so sorry!" I say trying to rid my mouth of food as I hold my phone to my ear.

"Where are you? Are you okay?" Sam says sounding panicked. She has my location so I know she more than likely looked at it before calling me.

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm hanging out with someone," I smile at Logan who shakes his head with a smile when I say 'someone'.

"Someone?" Sam catches the way I say it with a different tone. She also sounds like she's calmed down after hearing how relaxed I sound.

"Yeah, someone safe, I promise," I tell her and I watch Logan freezes mid bite. He points at himself raising a brow and I nod trying not to laugh at the sauce from his burger on his cheek.

"Mkay," Sam hums a little suspiciously, "Have fun, be safe, text if you need anything."

"I will. Text me when you and the girls get home," I tell her.

"I will," she says, "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we'll need to debrief."

"Okay," she laughs, "Bye."

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