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Time skip! Friday morning!

The last couple of days have been as ordinary as any other. Schools boring, me and catnap hangout after school, we fall asleep on call.
But today was different.
On Fridays, we got off early, and right before I walked out, the door kicked up to me.
" Dogday! Wait!"
I spun around and saw his panicked face.
" Tonight, I'm hosting a sleepover. I thought it would be fun since tomorrow I'm throwing a party!" He smiled at me.
" Who else is coming?"
" Hopefully, everyone, I'm about to send a text to the group chat!"
I smiled at him.
" I'll be there!"
Then catnap walked up to us and reminded me something we had to do, somewhat dragging me away from kickin', his ears pinned back in the slightest.

" Are you going to the sleepover tonight?"
" Sleepover? Isn't that childish?" He side eyed me.
" Not in our friend group.. last time we all had a sleepover, we all snuck out and went midnight swimming in a lake." I giggled to myself as I hopped in his car, and he started driving me home.
" So more like a midnight hangout? No ghost stories and movies and shit?" He chuckled.
" He-Hell nah 🔥" (pls get the joke. 😀)

He dropped me off, and I walked inside, checking the group chat and seeing people arranging a time to meet up, kickin' just telling everyone to come whenever they wanted, big pet peive.
We eventually decided on around 4-5, 2 hours from now, I walked upstairs and lightly packed, expecting to stay for around 3 days as there's no way in hell after the party I'm going home, I might be under age but if there's liquor I'll take advantage of it. (Sorry.)

I played video games on my Xbox until my phone started going off, everyone saying they're on their way,  I shut off my TV and leaped downstairs, telling my dad where I'd be and rushing outside to my car.

I drove straight to kickins house, which was only a few blocks down from mine. I saw the front of the house crowded with cars, so I parked a few houses down.
I got out and started walking up the sidewalk to kickins, observing the cars in the driving way and estimating who'd already be there, from the looks of it catnap hadn't arrive yet, which made me overthink he decided not to come, as he's always early.
I climbed up kickins' house steps, and the door swung open before I could even knock, kickim ushered me in and gestured me to the living room, where I saw picky, hoppy, and Bobby.
" Hey, dogday!" Hoppy said.
They were all sitting on the couch, so I just sat on the floor in front of them, leaving my back on the wall slightly. 
A few minutes passed of chattering before the door knocked and kickin ran to go open it, catnap smiled softly at kicking before taking his shoes off and resting them beside the door, kicking hurriedly ran back go us, desperate to continue his conversation with Bobby.
Catnap walked into the living room and observed the area before inevitably choosing to sit on the floor next to me.
" Why are you sitting on the floor? The couch has room on it?" I asked him, he turned his head to me and smugly smiled.
" i could say the same for you, so let's not ask questions." He ruffled the fur on my cheeks, puffing it up.
I huffed and started scrolling on my phone before all of the other critters arrived.

The sleepover started off boring, everyone just talking in individual groups until food arrived. After food, things started to get crazy as there were suggestions on what to do for the meantime, me and catnap sat on the floor together in silence, giggling at each other occasionally.

" You guys just want to play in the pool in my backyard." Kicin sighed, and we all agreed. (Kickin lives in a mini mansion, so the backyard pool is lit 🔥)

Most of us didn't bring swimsuits, so Bobby and hoppy sat out, uncomfortable with swimming in wet cotton clothes, but all of the guys just got down to their boxers and jumped in like they were swimming trunks.
The warm June air heated the pool, so it was at the perfect tempature, and at one point, hoppy ran and threw in a bunch of glowsticks, which glowed in the night.  Catnap sat on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water as me and kickin kept water boarding eachother and rough housing, I heard him giggle each time I came up to the surface and had a drowing look on my face.
Kickin had an unfair advantage as he surfed and was in the water often, usually being thrown around and held under by waves, so I wasn't anything to him, which meant I was the one under the water half of the time even though I have a better physical strength.
I timed out and sat on the ledge next to catnap, heavily breathing and dripped wet as i chugged water from a glass.
" You look soggy." He commented, and I glared at him with an annoyed look.
" Just saying! If you need help out there, I'm always here. " He winked at me, and I stared at him for a second..

" ..okay, let's go." We both slid in the water which was about at our necks and made our way over ti where kickin was, the water was now at our chests.
I leaped on kickins back, pushing him under a bit, then catnap dragged him down.
After a few minutes, kickin was the one to sit out, and all of a sudden catnap jumped on my back, forcing me under.
We rough housed a little bit in the water, I knew he was stronger than I was, so I splashed water on him and swam away, only to be dragged back by my tail.

He was more gentle then kickin was, kickin would force my head under like he was trying to kill me, catnap would dive under the water and pull me under by my ankles, and wouldn't hold me down when I tried to resurface like kickin did...
After a while, I ran out of energy and effortlessly just floated around the pool on my stomach, doggy rattling if I needed to go anywhere. Occasionally, catnap would stop talking to the others to push my head, making me float in the opposite direction.
By now, it was around 10, so I got out of the pool before everyone else did.
I wrapped a towel around myself and headed inside.
I grabbed my backpack and headed to the bathroom to change into clothes, I slipped on dry boxers and then put sweatpants and a t shirt on, it was semi tight around the arms but baggy on the body part. Low key comfortable. 
As I walked out, I saw catnap enter the house as well,  he smiled at me and as we passed eachother he ruffled my
" soggy" wet fur. I sat on the couch and scrolled on my phone, catnap, walked over, and joined me soon after, in a hoodie and shorts.
" Where do we sleep?" He asked.
" He has another couch in the basement, I usually sleep there while everyone sleeps up here in the guest bedrooms and whatnot."

"Mind if I join your secret spot?"
" If you want.. it's not the most comfortable.."
" We'll make it comfortable.." He mumbled, and I didn't quite hear him.
" What was that?" I asked, looking at him, but he stood up and walked to the kitchen, pouring himself a drink.

[Time skip!]

It was now around 11, and a few of the critters have gone to bed. Me and catnap grabbed our bags and headed downstairs and into the mini living room in the basement. The couch wasn't too big, but there were 2 of them. I dropped  my bag and splatted onto the couch, exhausted. Catnao stretched and turned off the lights before laying down on his back. He used his arm as a pillow and curled a blanket he found over himself.
" Where'd you get a blanket?!"
I asked him, flabbergasted as every time I've stayed here, I'd never gotten a blanket.
" I brought it.."
He stared at me, and I could barely make out his face in the darkness.
I huffed and stared at the ceiling. Now wishing I'd brought a blanket.
" We can share it?"
" How?" I asked him, and he opened his arms and patted the area next to him on the couch. My face heated up.
" No way.. I wouldn't even fit on that couch.." I muttered.
He sighed and stood up.
" Then I'll come to yours."
I couldn't reply before he laid the blanket down on my and crawled beside me on the couch, his arm wrapped around my torso and his tail firmly wrapped around my leg.
Be purred as he leaned his head against mine.
My body was heating up drastically, and my face was a bright shade of red. He was on his side facing me while i was kn my back, and I could tell he was falling off the bed, so in my flustered state I turned onto my side aswell, pressing my back against the back of the couch, and I felt him scotch up onto the couch more.
I laid there in silence and shock for a few minutes before wrapping my hands around him aswell, burrying my face into his chest slightly.. 
I felt myself drowsing off and he grabbed me firmly before I fell asleep.

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