PART - 1

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It's morning 7:00 AM in the capital city and the secretariat is bustling with people, and why won't it be ? Their Chief Minister, Shaurya Singh Shekhawat is an extremely punctual man, he will be in the office at exactly 9:00 AM, it's more than 4 years since he took office but not for once did he arrive late to work. He takes his job very seriously and wants everyone to do the same. He is the youngest person to take office in the whole country, many of his critics say it's his charisma that made him the youngest CM of the country, while his supporters and party activists alike boast of his academic qualifications, high intellect, Integrity, ethics, empathy and compassion for him achieving the feat at such a tender age. However, the national & global media reasons his Political Acumen, Visionary Leadership, Strategic thinking, Resilience, Adaptability, and excellent Oratory skills for his as well as the state's development.

The Social & Economic reforms he implemented changed the present and future of the state taking the employment rate to a record high. The development of the state in terms of economy before and after he took office could be clearly differentiated, with a significant increase in the State GDP. After he took office, the state the the flow of enormous investments and the performance of the state in intra-state Trade has also improved drastically. At every step, he kept proving to the people that choosing him was their best decision.

@ Chief Minister's residence

"Shaurya... Your breakfast is ready", an elderly lady in her early fifties said, seeing him walking down the stairs in his formals.

His father right from the first day he stepped into politics, advised him to wear traditional wear to attract people and their votes, he said wearing those clothes made the leaders close to the people but he never believed in putting on a facade to attract voters. Instead, he decided to attract the crowd by being himself. He always preferred wearing formals to his work.

"Thank you Mrs. Sudha... I'll be there in 10", he said with a polite smile before turning to his Chief Secretary, who serves as his Principal Advisor also.

"Good Morning Sir", Naveen greeted Shaurya with a smile filled with adoration and respect.

"Good Morning Mr. Sharma", Shaurya greeted with an affirmation nod.

"Need your signatures on these papers sir", he said handing the file to Shaurya...

"Was the issue settled or do we need more troops to get it under control ?", Shaurya asked mentioning the latest case of communal violence that erupted in the western part of the city.

"It subsided as you predicted Sir, your decision for Preemptive action helped a lot", Naveen said, Shaurya nodded.

Naveen knew Shaurya hardly slept for the past few days as he kept tabs every half hour on the developments in the sensitive areas and called for immediate action without delay, and thereby successfully handling the issue, though he didn't have much experience than most of his predecessors, with his deep sense of empathy and strategic thinking, he prevented major mishaps and not a single life was lost though the riot was a first of that level in many years.

"What about the draft I asked you to prepare ?", Shaurya asked

"It's ready sir, We can discuss it now before the cabinet meeting at 3:00 PM today", Naveen said

"Sure Mr. Sharma, arrange a meeting with the core administrative staff, preferably in the first half, I want to discuss this with them first", Shaurya said

"But sir... Disclosing this to the administrative staff without discussing with the cabinet ministers might not go well with them... You know how they are...", Naveen trailed, he is a senior bureaucrat with more than 2 decades of experience in Administration and Civil services. He knew how these things worked... Cabinet Ministers would create havoc if they got to know about this, so he decided to warn Shaurya though he knew Shaurya Singh Shekhawat didn't listen to anyone when it came to his duty and the welfare of the people and this was a draft that would benefit people, so he wants expert opinion before the draft is finalized and those experts are definitely not his cabinet ministers.

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