Chapter 63: Rubik's Cube

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Someone more capable than Ji Yushi?
This made Morita Yu sigh. It seems that the Star Era time and space was a lot more developed than his time and space. There was quite a large gap in technological development.

However, apart from exchanging information about this Rubik’s Cube, the three didn’t go into too much detail about where they’re from.
In order to maintain the stability of time and space, they refrained from interacting too much with those from other times and spaces.
Regardless of which time and space they’re from, the three Tianqiong laws have been engraved into their bones: Never change the past. Never talk about the present. Never be obsessed with the future.

“The rooms here are indeed moving.” Zoe spoke up, “Whenever someone opens a door and enters, the original room would be changed and replaced by another room when that same door is opened again. Perhaps there are sensing mechanisms installed in the rooms.”

She clearly had to have experienced a situation like this several times while she was here to be able to say something like this with so much certainty.

Ji Yushi nodded, “It’s possible.”

Zoe began to think, “In that case, it would be hard for us to find a pattern. There are too many rooms here. What does ‘Rubik’s Cube’ want us to do? What does it want us to join?”

Everyone wanted to know the answer to this question. It could only be answered through experimentation and exploration. If you remained in the same room to be safe, you would never be able to reach the answer.
After the three spoke briefly, they decided to move on.

Zoe removed the red ball floating in the air.
The three then checked the rooms in the order of top, bottom, left, right, front and back. The colours of the balls in the six surrounding rooms were different. There were two blue, one yellow, one green, one purple, and one red.
According to Morita Yu’s guess from earlier, everyone chose the room with the red ball and moved on.

Along the way, Zoe continued to use her small dagger to carve numbers onto the floor.

Pure white rooms appeared one after another. It made it easy for one to feel isolated from the outside world. In actual fact, it was really like that for them.
Morita Yu would try to find topics to talk about, but he wasn’t like Li Chun the chatterbox. Although he spoke a little more than the rest of them, he always talked about useful information.

“Senior, you estimated that there are at least twenty-one people active here and that helped me figure one thing out.” Morita Yu said, “When I waited in a room after separating from the rest of my squad, a door opened suddenly but I didn’t press a switch. That door opened for a second and then closed on its own.”
He spoke very grimly and continue to gesture, “I thought that if it was my teammate, they would definitely call out to me so when I saw that there was no one behind that door, I thought it was a ghost. Now that I think about it, it was actually quite simple. Someone from another squad must have found me but didn’t want to work with me so they left. It might’ve been a teammate of yours.”

If there really were only three Guardian squads here, Morita Yu’s chances of running into the seventh squad was quite high.
Ji Yushi however felt that there may not only be three squads here. They may probably encounter more traversers like them from other crevices in time and space from now on.

“It probably wasn’t my teammate.” Ji Yushi said, “If they found you, they wouldn’t just leave.”

Even if they were competing against each other, the seventh squad wouldn’t do something like that.
An effective but reserved exchange of information was the way for him to find his teammates in this Rubik’s Cube as soon as possible.

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