𝟕 | 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐨

374 11 1

My eyes move from the seat where Gabi had sat only seconds ago, following her as she walks towards the front door of her building. Putting my head down on the steering wheel, I shake my head, not believing we almost kissed. Picking my head up I check my phone to see who called and see a missed call from Jack. I'll call him back once I get home, but for now, I'm focused on making sure Gabi makes it inside safely before I drive off. Once she's inside she looks back, sending a quick wave before turning back around and continuing to head inside.

Driving off into the night, I try not to think too much about the almost kiss until I get home. Pulling into the parking garage of my building, I get out locking it before heading up to my apartment. It's pretty late, but Jack is probably still up playing video games or something. Walking inside, I throw my keys down onto the counter, letting out a heavy sigh before sitting on the couch and taking my phone out to call Jack. After a few rings he picks up, "Hey Nico, how did it go with taking Gabi home? Did anything happen?" Barely a second into picking up the phone, Jack is spewing out questions. Letting out a deep breath I take a second to process what he just said. "Hi Jack, I made it home safe thanks for asking." I sarcastically respond only for Jack to laugh and apologize for not asking if I'd made it home.

I know I can't avoid the questions so I might as well answer, even with a little lie, just to get him to stop asking about Gabi and me. "It was great we talked the whole drive to her building and she made it home safe. Nothing happened other than a friendly conversation." Through the other end of the phone, Jack makes a noise, not believing what I said. "Are you sure? I honestly don't believe you, Nico. You were looking over at her a lot tonight and you seemed very focused on making sure she was comfortable with us. I'm not sure if the other guys noticed, but I did." Well, he's got me there. If he noticed that I can't exactly lie my way through much. I let out a deep breath, unsure of whether or not I should tell Jack the truth.

Letting out a deep breath, I'm unsure of whether or not I should tell Jack the truth. "Look, I wasn't lying when I said we talked on the drive to her house. When I stopped in front of her building, we almost kissed, but then you called so it didn't happen." Through the phone, I could feel Jack's surprise at my admission. He apologizes for calling me and disturbing Gabi and me. The line goes quiet at both ends, neither of us talking for a few seconds, trying to find what to say next. "Nico, do you like Gabi as more than a friend?" Jack's voice is serious, our conversation seems to turn into a therapy session for me.

My head goes to war with itself. Do I like Gabi as more than a friend? She's absolutely beautiful and she's just so sweet. We haven't known each other for a long time, but the way I feel when I talk to her or am near her is almost indescribable. I'm not sure if I'm ready to admit that I like Gabi more than a friend, but if not now then when? I trust Jack and he's like a little brother to me so it wouldn't hurt to see what he thinks. "Yeah, I think I do." I can hear Jack trying to silently cheer, but it sounds like he hit himself with something, "OW! I stubbed my toe on the table." I burst into laughter at Jack stubbing his toe, "Nico stop laughing at me. It's not funny." That makes me laugh even more than before and a few seconds later, my laughter dies down.

Jack can recover enough to continue talking, "Well I'm gonna give you some advice that my mom has given before. If you like her, tell her. Don't get me wrong, obviously get to know her more, and if those feelings are still the same or even stronger then tell her. You can't wait too long to tell her because you never know what could happen or who could be waiting to get her attention." After he says this, I go deep into thought and I know he's right, or well, more like his mom is right. I like her, but I would like to get to know her more before I can outright tell her that I like her. Jack and I talk for a while longer before we say goodnight to each other and hang up.

Right as I'm getting ready for bed, I get a text and see that it's from Gabi asking if I have made it home safely. A smile makes its way to my face, a warm feeling enveloping me at the fact that she's asking if I made it home. I replied letting her know that I did make it home safe. Laying down in bed staring at the ceiling and with my phone lying on my chest, I wait to hear back from her. I want to ask her if she'd want to hang out the next time I have a day off, but I'm not sure if she would like to. It wouldn't hurt to ask, so maybe I will and see what happens.


Nico Hey Gabi! What's up?

Gabi Hey Nico! Not much but I was getting bored since Celi was out cold in her room. A person can only binge-watch episodes of Law and Order: SVU for so long before needing a break.

Nico, Do you usually binge-watch shows?

Gabi Yeah... well at least whenever I have the day off from work or class.

They both sit in comfortable silence looking anywhere but their cameras trying not to make the other feel uncomfortable by staring. In Nico's mind, he's trying to work up the courage to ask her to hang out. He's usually never nervous to ask someone to hang out, but for some reason, asking Gabi was proving to be quite the task. He hasn't had much luck with talking to girls since getting drafted to Jersey. Many only wanted to talk or get with him just for the chance to get expensive gifts and money. Yea, it sucked, but if he constantly lived with that in his head, he would never find someone he could spend the rest of his life with. Gabi didn't seem to have any negative intentions, but he couldn't be too sure just yet. Maybe this hang-out can act as a way to reassure him that her intentions are pure. If I ask her to hang out, the worst that could happen is that she says no, and I can't be mad if she does.

Nico Gabi, I have a question.

Gabi Sure what's up?

Nico Would you maybe like to hang out? Like on one of my days off?

My face contorts into one of nervousness, waiting to hear what Gabi is going to say. I try to keep a calm face as it seems to take forever for her to muster a response. I try to not get my hopes up just yet until she says that she'd be down to hang out.

Gabi Yeah, of course, I'd love to! What do you have in mind?

Nico Well I was thinking-

The next five minutes were spent brainstorming ideas back and forth. Eventually, Gabi and I decided that go-karting would be the best option. There's a place not too far away that has go-karting, arcade games, and even food, which was perfect. After agreeing, we both continue talking about almost anything, even the most random things. While I'm telling her a story, I pause when I hear light breathing coming from my phone. Looking down at my phone, I see that Gabi is fast asleep. Smiling, I look over her peaceful face and am left in awe, not understanding how someone could look as beautiful asleep as they do awake.

As creepy as it sounds, I stare at Gabi for at least a minute. I almost can't believe that she's real and thinking back to the night I first met her at Mo's brings warmth into my chest. There's just something special about her that I have yet to figure out. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to find out what's so special about her. My mind drifts off, snuggling deeper into my pillow after I prop up my phone. My eyelids grow heavy and I have no energy to hang up the Facetime call, so I fall asleep with Gabi doing the same on the other end.

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