Chapter Fifteen

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**Not edited or proofread!**


"Oh, look at this handsome little fellow," I heard Alan coo from his office.

I slowly ripped my eyes open. I was exhausted. Some dumb kids had let a bonfire get out of control last night, and I'd spent the better part of the night getting it put out. And then I had to stop the old man who owned the property from beating the kids over the head with a stick for their carelessness.

Chase, from what I understood, was in the process of getting more regulations put in place. He just had to get the city to agree to the new laws he wanted to be implemented. There'd been way too many fires started because of kids wanting to have a good time. There were other ways to have fun besides lighting a fire, drinking, and then letting that fire get out of control.

I pushed myself up from the chair I'd been sleeping in and headed out front. Grayson and Farrah were standing in Alan's office, and Grayson waved me in when he noticed me.

"Congrats, guys," I told them. I pressed a kiss to Farrah's cheek. "Motherhood looks good on you," I told her.

"Stop hitting on my wife," Grayson grumbled.

I barked out a laugh. "Got my own, thank you very much." I took Ian into my arms when Alan handed him over to me to hold. "God, he's the spitting image of you, Grayson."

Grayson grinned, pride shining in his eyes. Heck, he even puffed out his chest a little. Probably didn't realize he had, though.

Staring down at little Ian, it made me curious to see Kaecee holding our own baby in the future. If the image I had in my mind was anything to go by, she would be absolutely perfect and beautiful. Motherhood would suit her just as well as everything else here had.

"I recognize that look," Farrah teased. "Daydreaming about a certain woman, Drew?" she asked me as Grayson and Alan stepped out of the office, walking around. Those two men just didn't know how to stand still and hold a conversation.

"Someday," I answered her. "I'm doing everything right with her. Marriage, and then all of that will come later. She's too perfect and pure for anything else."

Farrah adjusted Ian's knit cap. "She mentioned you two decided on a Fall wedding when I stopped by the office earlier with Ian so she could meet him. Surprised you aren't dragging her to the altar sooner. You've been hooked on her from the moment you met her, right?"

I shrugged. "I want her to have everything she's ever wanted, Farrah. So, if she wants a Fall wedding, then that's what she'll get."

Farrah smiled up at me. "You're good for her, Drew, and she's good for you. You two make an amazing, beautiful pair. I know everything will line up perfectly for the two of you."

I handed her back Ian when he began to get a little fussy. I dropped a kiss to her cheek. "I'll leave you be to feed him. You want me to get Grayson?"

She shook her head. "Nah. Just let him know I'm feeding him, yeah? I doubt he wants everyone else to see my boobs." I barked out a laugh. "I know it's not a sexual thing, but Grayson is peculiar."

I smiled at her. "I'll let him know."

With that, I strode from the office and went on the hunt for her husband to let him know she was feeding their little munchkin. And for the rest of the day as I texted Kaecee back and forth, I daydreamed about what it would be like to raise a family of our own.

One thing I knew for sure, Kaecee would give every child we had the opportunities to grow and explore what they wanted for themselves, and she would always love them unconditionally unlike her parents had her. She still talked to them, but I knew they would never be a proper family.

But while it sucked, I'd make sure she never settled for less than what she deserved. And she deserved a heck of a lot more than what they gave her.

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