Chapter 8 (Truth or Dare?)

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Everyone was rushing here and there, nervous people in fancy outfits were seen, some were hitting high notes, some were memorizing dance steps, some were just chilling. Oh it's the famous kbs festival today that's why!

"Did you heard about the new girl group that made their debut under starship?"

Karina, from aespa
"Omg yes!! I heard about them, they all are so pretty"

Winter replies, they were just talking while walking (why did this rhyme help) when a boygroup bumps into them. To be respectful, they greeted them politely. That boy group was none other enhypen, obvious lmao.

"I am so tired, can't hybe leave us alone, why even are we here in the first place"

Jungwon complains rolling his eyes.

"C'mon just enjoy yourself on the stage"

Jake said

"You are just saying that because you are able to meet these beautiful wome-"

Sunoo was cutted off by jake


He shouted but receive a smack from sunghoon

"Can you two shut up already?"

Sunghoon said and rolled his eyes.


A sweet voice echoes in the hallway.

"Oh wonyoung-shii...?"

Sunghoon turns back and whispers loud enough for the others to hear


Ni-ki shouts.

(yes I've been misspelling his name the whole time, I'll edit the chapters and change "niki" to "ni-ki". You guys too should be aware about it!)


She runs towards them, followed by the other members.


Jay says in excitement


Gaeul replies and smiles, while the others start talking.

"Damn y'all looking gorgeous"

Heeseung says in aw

"Um hello? Stop simping"

Yujin says and flips hair hair while heeseung gives a judgemental look

"Finally this is the last promotion of 2021, I am so excited because we are getting some holidays!"

Sunoo fake cries.


Leeseo shouts and smiles

"But you'll still have to go to school"

Liz, interrupts her happy moment


Yujin bursts out laughing.

"Guys c'mon let's get going"

Gaeul says

"Bye, meet y'all after the festival"

Sunghoon smiles politely recieving a nodd from the girls.

They left.

Enhypen for kbs song festival -

Enhypen for kbs song festival -

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