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Chapter 151 Birthday Invitation

84_84815 Tang Jingyun carried her backpack and left. She was going to class. She had just walked with Chu Zhengyang for a while, and it was almost time.

Chu Zhengyang looked at Tang Jingyun's strolling back and couldn't help but shake his head and said with a smile, "Interesting, interesting..."

"Teacher, why did you come here!"

A man's figure walked over quickly and greeted Chu Zhengyang from afar.

"Xingtai, you kid actually let me go!" Chu Zhengyang turned around and smiled at the visitor.

Fu Xingtai touched his head when he heard this, a little embarrassed, "There was a little accident."

He looked in the direction where Chu Zhengyang was looking and saw a slender and tall figure. He couldn't help but smile and asked, "Who was it just now? I heard your laughter from far away.

He still rarely sees his teacher behave like that.

Chu Zhengyang smiled and said, "There is a little girl named Tang Jingyun. She is your junior sister. I will introduce you to her if I have the opportunity in the future. She is a very good person."

Curiosity flashed in Fu Xingtai's eyes. He was a teacher who didn't praise others easily, so he couldn't help but be a little curious about this Tang Jingyun.


Tang Jingyun wandered back to the classroom, found Rong Jiao's seat and sat down. Rong Jiao pushed something on her desk to Tang Jingyun's hand. Tang Jingyun raised an eyebrow and saw that it was crisp candy.

She remembered that Rong Jiao liked to eat this kind of sweets, but she rarely bought them. She couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Where did it come from?"

Rong Jiao pursed her lips, "I met Fang Qingfeng on the road yesterday and he bought it for me."

Fang Qingfeng? Tang Jingyun raised the corners of her mouth, showing some interest. She looked at Rong Jiao, who seemed to be eating casually. She clearly remembered that Rong Jiao rarely ate food from people she was not close to.

It seemed like something was happening somewhere that she didn't know about.

Soon the teacher came in, and it was a rough lesson, which was a bit boring. No matter how good the learning attitude of Yanda was, 80% of the people would pass this lesson.

Of course, Tang Jingyun also got through this. Finally, the teacher left. Tang Jingyun stretched out and twisted his sore neck, "Hey, it's finally over."

Rong Jiao on the side raised her head feebly, "It's so boring!"

"Let's go to the Cantonese tea shop in the small street. Jiaming and Qi Zejiu have reserved seats there." Rong Jiao glanced at her phone, then stood up, grabbed Tang Jingyun and dragged her up. .

Tang Jingyun curled her lips and said, "Miss, you are so arrogant just because you are eating and drinking and won't gain weight. Be careful that the girls in our class put a sack on you at night!"

"Hehehe..." The girls sitting at the table behind Tang Jingyun and the others laughed and shouted, "That's right!"

Rong Jiao rolled her eyes at them, then turned to Tang Jingyun and said, "Come on, I haven't had authentic Cantonese refreshments for a long time. I heard that one makes pretty good ones."

The classmates in the class saw Tang Jingyun being pulled out by Rong Jiao. A boy with gold-rimmed glasses sighed, "This is the decadent life of the upper class! I will be a poor peasant again at the end of this month!" "

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