Information Page

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Here is a cheat sheet for the characters and definitions for terms that you will see in this fiction. As new characters and terms are introduced I will add them. I don't want to give anything away. 


Char - Charawin - NuNew = Main character. 12 yo werewolf boy from the Arctic Werewolf Pack. He has a brother Tee, from the same litter. Might be an omega.

Pruk - Zee - = Main character. - 17 yo werewolf from the Lycos Pack. He is an alpha and next in line to run the Lycos Pack.

Tee - Supporting character 12 yo werewolf boy from the Arctic Werewolf Pack. He has a brother Char, from the same litter. Might be a be a beta.

Max - Supporting character - 17 yo werewolf from the Lycos Pack. Pruk's best friend. Beta. Will most likely be Pruk's beta, second in command.

Alec and Brad - Supporting characters - Char and Tee's captors

Arctic Pack - Char and Tee's pack. Consists of their Father (Alpha) and Mother (Luna) and pack mates. They live somewhere on the Arctic tundra.

Alíla or Alíla7 –  A green witch that helps them in Vancouver. (Alíla7 is a Squamish name that means wild raspberry. –The seven represents a kind of glottal stop, like when you say "uh oh')

Ayla - Zee's sister an alpha of the Lycos Pack. Second in order of succession to pack alpha. 


Arctic Tundra - coldest biome known for extremely low temperature, frozen landscape, considered a desert because of low rainfall, not a lot of animals and plants can survive, and very short summer seasons.

Arctic werewolves – Char and Tee's pack. Pure white werewolves that live on the Arctic tundra. They follow the old ways of the gods Lupus and Luna. They live most of their lives in their wolf form and live in dens and packs and follow the ancient laws and culture.

Code Gray: a code used in a hospital = combative person (combative or abusive behavior by patients, families, visitors, staff, or physicians)

Godless ones – what Arctic werewolves call humans.

Human – mortal human beings that are not supernatural.

Litter mates – another word for twins or triplets. Werewolves have one baby at a time but they have a higher chance of having multiple fetuses than humans do.

Lupus – a deity werewolf's worship. Creator of the wolves. Also, a word werewolves use for the spirit of the wolf that resides in them. Werewolves believe that they have the spirit of the deity Lupus inside of them and that's why they can change into a wolf.

Lycos – the Greek word for wolf can be another word for werewolf or used to reference a werewolf's spirit wolf.

Mortal animals – regular animals that are not supernatural.

Paranormals- beings that are not mortal and are magical in some way. i.e. Shifters, Vampires, Fey, merpeople, etc. Paranormals can identify each other by seeing their paranormal form in their shadow.

Pureblooded werewolf – has were parents. Being a werewolf is genetic.

Runts – an insulting name werewolves use for humans because they can't shift, and are in every way inferior, in the same way the runt of the litter would be.

Sea Wolf - Mortal wolves found only on the coast of Canada  B.C They are the Wasgo's spirit animal. These wolves are strong swimmers and eat mostly from the sea. They migrate from island to island by swimming. Indigenous people in the area believe they are strong, generous, and humble. Seeing one is considered good luck.

Spirit animal – a representation of the mortal animal that a shifter embodies, and the form they can shift into.

Weres – a word for all paranormal beings that can change from a humanoid to an animal. Weres look like the mortal animal they were named after with some differences, weres are larger, have more power, and live longer than their mortal animal.

Were-animal - A general word for a shifter when you want to put focus on the animal part of the were.  

Wasgo Werewolves - Wasgo Pack, Sea Wolves, Gonakadet, or Konakadeit – a type of werewolf that swims in the ocean and eats mostly from the sea. They are loving and called Sea Wolf they are strong, generous, and humble. Seeing one is considered good luck.

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