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i woke up to the smell of bacon and chatting downstairs. i rose up from my bed and put on some spandex that hug my curves and jacks essentials hoodie.

i walked downstairs and saw madeline and isaac on the couch, my dad and mom in the kitchen, and alex and scarlet sitting at the table. maddie was lying on isaac while he was trying to watch highlights from the mets game.

i love madeline to death, but she will do anything to get a boys attention. even if its my brothers. scarlet walked up to me, "we still on for tonight?" she asked.

"of course, we need to celebrate!" i whispered. "celebrate what?" alex said turning to me.

"uhhh nothing! we just want to have a girls night!" i said nervously. alex raised an eyebrow, "uh huh.." he smirked and went back to scrolling on his phone.

i glanced over to see maddie's head in isaac's lap and him having a annoyed look on his face. she snuggled her head in further and that's when isaac lost it. "okay, i'm taking a shower. bye!" he got up fast and bolted upstairs.

maddie frowned, sat up, and opened her phone. i texted jack asking him if he and his family wants to come over to swim at our dock. he replied instantly, agreeing. i smiled and told everyone that they were coming over to swim at our dock.

maddie smirked then went upstairs to change. i grabbed two pieces of bacon and went upstairs as well. i walked into my room and picked out a blue velvet bikini, and got undressed.

i changed into it and picked out alex's old volleyball club shirt, and my birkenstocks. i applied some eyebrow gel, and sunscreen. i ran downstairs and to my dock. i saw jack, luke, trevor, quinn, and isaac outside on the dock, with their feet in the water.

luke turned, "MY FAVORITE!" he got up, ran towards me, and started to twirl me as he hugged me. i felt like i was flying, until luke almost tripped and fell down. he screeched and closed his eyes.

he opened them to see everyone looking at him and me looking up at him from the ground. "oh haha, i didn't mean that.." he ran towards the end of my dock and jumped off it, splashing everyone but me in the process.

i laughed so hard i sat down on my ass and almost cried. when i laugh really hard sometimes i snort and i let one slip. jack turned, "did you just snort?" he walked towards me putting his hands out so i could grab them.

"uhhh maybe.." i looked at him. i smiled, "well i hope you did because i found it really cute." he brought me in for a hug. "well then maybe i did." i hugged him back. we separated and started to walk back to the end of the dock when suddenly someone jumped on jacks back.

"wow you are really tall! and your build is just like isaac's, strong and big. you must be jack, im madeline!" me and isaac gave eachother that look that said 'this is fucking weird'. "oh uh, yeah i am. nice to meet you madeline."

he smiled and looked back at her. she started to ruffle his hair and unhooked her legs from around him. i dont know if i'm over reacting, but i felt really uncomfortable and almost like i was third wheeling them, even though jack is my boyfriend. i walked away and sat down next to isaac.

isaac started to splash my legs with water. i saw that as a challenge, and smirked at him. i took off my cover up and we started to splash water on each other, until isaac pushed me in. i reached the surface and pulled his legs in too.

we started to splash water at each others faces, and when he would get close, i would swim away. i reached the surface and looked at the dock, and saw madeline talking with jack and she had her legs overtop of his. i frowned and isaac noticed.

he looked back at the dock and he saw them talking too. he grabbed my arm and pulled me up from the water and dragged me into the hot tub. he turned it on and made sure no one could hear us.

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