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i walked back over to the table that jacob and his family were seated at. i made no effort to hide how upset i was, because i wasn't worried about that right now, i was worried about my name being tarnished.

jacob took notice of the look on my face and spoke to me quietly so no one would hear, "everything okay, honey? did something happen?"

not wanting to be rude or ruin the moment, i whispered to jacob, "i went into the bathroom and these two girls who went to highschool with you, talked about how you're here tonight and how i'm dating you...and this one girl kinda shit on our relationship and then she said she was going to talk to you. but they didn't know i was in the bathroom...and then i walked out of the stall and showed myself so now they know i heard them."

jacobs jaw tightened a little, he was obviously upset by the words that the girl made about me. he asked slowly, "do you know their names?"

i shook my head, "no but i'm sure they'll head out of the bathroom soon..."

jacob groaned, he didn't want his girlfriend to have to deal with any more drama, especially after the whole olivia situation.

jacob knows i can handle myself, but just didn't like the fact that someone talked badly about me or i should say, us.

"do you want me to try and talk to them, set them straight? i don't want you to feel uncomfortable around them or around anyone for that matter." jacob asked.

"no no don't do that. i'll be fine, i'm famous i hear hateful things all of the time." i said, trying to convince him not to speak to them. i didn't want to look like the girl who needed her boyfriend to fight her battles.

jacob nodded and squeezed my gently before looking at me with deep kindness as he spoke slowly, "i know, but you shouldn't have to deal with that. you deserve respect and kindness just as much as anybody. i don't get how anyone could be so nasty to you."

i smiled as his sweet and genuine words. "you have such a kind soul, jacob."

jacob smiled at my comment and took my hand once again, wrapping his arm around me. he leaned in and kissed my cheek gently. "i just don't understand this world sometimes, it can be so cruel to people when they did nothing nothing wrong. i just don't like it at all."

i leaned my head on his shoulder, and spoke softly. "i know you don't, baby. that's why we have each other, we're all we need."

he smiled and scooted over for me to sit down next to him at the booth. "i couldn't agree with you more, you're all i need in this fucked up world."

we continued on with our night, enjoying the company of jacob's family and not worrying about those two girls.

around 9pm, we all headed back to the house by piling into the car. everyone was in a good mood with good energy. i was feeling so happy because i was getting along with jacob's family, and i'm sure jacob was feeling just as happy about it.

once we got to the house, everyone dispersed around the house. lucas, headed back to his own home. noah and charlotte went to their room, and chloe went to her room. i looked at jacob as we stood in the living room. 

"you handled yourself very well today with my family. you've honestly got nothing to worry about with them, they all love you. just like i do."

"well i love them and you." i said with a small grin.

jacob rubbed my arm but then leaned in quickly and kissed me gently, to which i kissed back. jacob wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "i just love being around you so much. i never want to let you go." jacob confessed.

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