Chapter 9: Triple Mocha

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Celeste's POV

I woke, tingling with sparks and jostling. I blinked several times before opening my eyes. My sight was blurry from sleep but I could make out Xavier's form as he carried me. I didn't care where we were going as long as I could stay this comfortable. I snuggled further into his hold, he chuckled. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Good morning. Morning. . Last night. . . Last night was beautiful. Not only did Xavier show me an incredible view but he also gave me a bit of insight to himself. I'm desperately trying not to push him away but internally I still feel a bit unsure. This safety, this comfort feels almost unreal. Like any day it will be ripped away from me.

'You don't know them yet. Not truly,' Ancillary spoke in regards to my thoughts. I agree.

I'm glad Ancillary is back, those few days without her felt so alone. I kept internally trying to reach her, calling out with no response. I've been shifting for a few years now; I've grown used to her company.

"Good morning," I mumbled into his bare chest. His bare chest. . . My eyes quickly widened. I assessed myself, quickly looking down to see I was in Xavier's shirt. It was dangerously high up my thighs and I quickly tugged it down, nearly pushing myself out of Xavier's hold.

"Careful, little one." I blushed at the pet name and my actions.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Is this. . okay?" His voice was hesitant and smaller than usual. My heart swelled at his uncertainty and care. "I'd rather you not walk around like this but I can clear the packhouse instead?" Was he worried about people seeing me with only a large shirt on? We're werewolves. . .

"This is fine," to confirm my words I leaned into his chest, letting myself relax as much as I could.

"Well if it isn't the love birds!" Zay's voice immediately made me blush the very second we entered the pack house. "Where have you two been?" She teased further by wiggling her eyebrows. I swear I would turn into a cherry. When I caught her eye, she winked!

"We enjoyed the night under the stars but get your head out of the gutter," Xavier assured. "Now if you'll excuse us, I'm sure Celeste would love to change before I bring her to you for a checkup." I rose my brow. A checkup? I feel great?

'Be careful,' Ancillary warned. My heart felt unsure at her warning but my mind and gut agreed, one could never be too careful. Never. Just when you think your world is most at ease it can be ripped away.

'Run!' his panicked voice rang in my memory. 'Get out of here!' I shook off the memory I didn't want.

When Xavier set me down in front of my bedroom door, I yanked the shirt down the best I could. Oh Goddess, he saw me naked this morning didn't he? I may be a werewolf but he's. . . He's Xavier! Six pack, insanely tall, arms thicker than my neck, tan skin I wouldn't mind. . . Goddess! What's gotten into me?

"Thank you for last night," I quickly whispered before disappearing into my room. I quickly hopped in the shower, scrubbing away as if my thoughts would also go down the drain. When I got out of the shower, I could still see Xavier's shadow under my door. . .

"So Celeste, do you know your preferred style?" I shrug, looking around at the quickly growing number of people in the town. We were approaching the towns shopping district, just off of the town square Zay had said. I can't remember the last time I was around so many people. I tug the sleeves of my borrowed sweater I took from Xavier's closet. I had formed a bad habit of sneaking into his room when he was in his office to take the occasional shirt or jacket. He knows of course. I know he knows. And we both say nothing. "Celeste?" I blink, looking at Josh.

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