I'll Tell Everyone That You Were Fingering Yourself In The Bathtub

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Take your guesses: Who do you think is speaking the quote in the chapter title and what do you think is the context?


"Oh my God, Gabby! You've been keeping this a secret from me!"

I step into the lakeside cabin and fling my luggage onto the worn hardwood floor. Twirling around in amazement, I gaze up at the floor to ceiling windows that provide a picturesque view of the sparkling lake and evergreen pines.

A large brick fireplace is built into the back wall, and I imagine a roaring blaze as Jackson makes passionate love to me on a bear skin rug that he obtained himself after fending off a grizzly beast in my honor.

Okay, so maybe that last part is unrealistic, but the rest could still very well happen.

I think.

I am not certain as Jackson has been nothing short of frosty towards me since learning I was accompanying him on his family trip. I'm here for Gabby anyways...kind of.

My friend smiles as she takes in the wooden beams and open floor plan. "It's pretty grand, isn't it?" She agrees.

Jackson nudges past me, making his way towards one of the bedroom doors off of the living area but his mother calls after him. "Not that one, sweetie. Gabby needs her own room."

He turns around and sighs loudly, annoyance scrunching his features. "That's the only room with a single bed, Mom," he objects. "Doesn't it make the most sense if you and Dad share one room and Gabby and Sterling share the other?"

She pinches the bridge of her nose and it's evident that he is pushing her limits. "Yes, under normal circumstances but you know that this isn't-"

"Fine," he interrupts. He abruptly changes his direction and as he walks past me, he mutters, "I can't have any interruptions when I'm playing my violin. You'll have to find somewhere else to be obnoxious when I'm practicing. Got it?"

It's times such as this one when I question why I love him but all he has to do is glance at me with his mossy green eyes which contrast beautifully with his olive skin tone, and I am putty.

Which of course, he is doing right now.

One day, Jackson Moretti, I vow to myself. You will feel differently about me.


Steam curls up from the surface of the bathtub and I gingerly tip one toe into the water. When I determine that the temperature won't sear my skin off, I drop my towel from my body and sink into the tub.

I lower myself down until I am completely submerged, air bubbles escaping my throat as I blow out. Then pushing back up, I run my fingers through my wet hair.

The lights are dim in the bathroom, and I'm surrounded by various sized pillar candles flickering softly. The scene is romantic, and I imagine that Jackson is sitting across from me.

Droplets sparkle as though they are diamonds on his muscled chest, and I drift my way towards him. "Hey, handsome," I greet, placing a soft kiss on his plush lips.

He chuckles at my eyeliner that is smudged beneath my eyes, giving me the appearance of a raccoon. He teases me that I am one of the rabid ones, of course.

But he is smiling with great affection, and he gently massages my naked shoulders.

I drop my palms to his thighs and warn him that he better watch out because I bite. To make good on my threat, I gently nibble his earlobe and he moans softly. "Sterling..." he breathes.

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