zero. miss troublemaker

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𝑴iss Whimsicality ᯓ★
𝑪hapter 𝒁ero. Miss


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𝑨utumn at the Vanderbel estate consisted of melodramatic antics as a consequence of abandoning the infamous madwoman ( Clementine, obviously ! ) with no androgynous past times to commit to whilst everyone else ran around like headless chickens, desperate to clean up her mess. What can she say ! Once her once a year voyage to London was over, Clem had no insufferable men to torment with her jesting other than her poor servants and irksome folks.

As the youngest of five, it was plainly in her nature to form into a wretched catastrophical mess instead of living up to other's impossible expecations ── emphasis on impossible. However, them woeful reckonings never restricted Clementine from enjoyably being the cause of calamity; afterall trouble was her middle name . . to be perfectly candid it is actually Catalina but you get the picture !

Perhaps , just perhaps . . that was the reason why the manical madam herself appeared to be in the middle of loosening the screws in a lavish chair, her father's chair when the sun was at its lowest all whilst restraining her guffaws. Even her very own tremendously vast brain could not imagine the consequences at the very moment in time ── the only focus were the words errupting from her piehole, them being the quiet profanities telling herself to cut the cackle.

Yet when the final nuts and bolts bursted , Clementine had not a worry in the world other than desiring the front row tickets of observing her plump father plummeting to the ground the following morning . So as quiet as a dainty mice , the not so ladylike lady stealthily tip-toed to her residing chambers ── all whilst a comic strip of the futures possible misfortunes played in her head , especially her father's elephantine-like face melting into a crimson tomato.

But as Clementine's wildest dreams and future plans of mischief put her under a spell of sleep , a volatile tempest errupted which would unfortunately disturb her plans of mastering the art of archery later in the day ── luckily enough her mother won't go into cardiac arrest upon catching her not so ladylike daughter carrying out masculine activities.

Yet whatever anyone said, a wild lady like herself is not to spend the hours sulking around swigging tea , Clementine desired and adventure ! Unbenowest to her , she would be granted her so called aspiration of an escapade .. just not the type she would merrily embark on..

authors note
here's my baby clementine all introduced as the little cheeky girl she is !!

𝑴ISS WHIMISICALITY, benedict bridgerton .Where stories live. Discover now