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"Qingxuan, I think I hear someone crying outside," Xie Lian said, while twisting around his chair to get a better view of the studio entrance. He was so sure that he had caught a glimpse of someone clad in clothes as red as maple, and a figure so tall and imposing that he couldn't help but want to catch a second look.

Shi Qingxuan was busy setting up the set for the photoshoot. Without even raising her head to acknowledge him, she said, "hm? what are you talking about?"

"Ah, never mind."

It was not long before they heard some more commotion outside, and He Xuan peeked inside their room.

"Shi Qingxuan, Xie Lian. The model cancelled the shoot at the last minute." 

"WHAT?" both Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian screeched in unison. He Xuan winced.

"Rest assured, it has been taken care of," He Xuan paused, his gaze lingered on Xie Lian for a second, before hastily moving away. "Hua Cheng has agreed to act as his substitute."

"And he needs me to get his makeup done?" Shi Qingxuan asked.

"Yes and... he is very picky."

"I am aware," Shi Qingxuan sighed and collected her makeup products. "He is in the other dressing room? Oh okay. Lian I promise I'll get everything done quickly. Please don't get mad."

Once she hurried out of the room, Xie Lian and He Xuan were left staring awkwardly at each other.

"So, um ahem," He Xuan cleared his throat awkwardly. He hesitated as if searching for the correct words, then grimaced. "What... what is the relationship between you and Shi Qingxuan?"

Xie Lian was stunned. Did this man seriously take him as his competition? 

"She is like my sister, plus she's my roommate and best friend," Xie Lian answered truthfully, and to his amusement, He Xuan sighed in relief. However, He Xuan's thought process was much different from what Xie Lian was assuming.

Then she is safe from that madman Hua Cheng, He Xuan grumbled to himself, before turning stiffly away and marching out of the room.

Minutes ticked by, and they still didn't seem to be done yet.

In Xie Lian's own humble opinion, he believed that his patience was infinite and his temper was mild and agreeable. These virtues were what made him so well loved and popular at the day care where he worked part time. At present though, he had exhausted the last of his patience.

It had been more than an hour since he had finished dressing up in his, ahem, costume. The gauzy fabric of the wedding robes was hot and uncomfortable, his tight bun was pulling painfully at his roots, and his face was itching from the makeup. To top it off, he had been an unwilling participant in this whole project. Xie Lian couldn't help but feel as if he had been wronged. He was all dressed up and pretty, yet his bridegroom, Hua Cheng, (it was impossible for him to say this with a straight face) wasn't even ready yet.

Just when Xie Lian was going to fall into a fit of rage and vandalize their shooting equipment, Shi Qingxuan walked out into the room, looking as irritated as he felt.

"I have never met anyone more terrifying than that man!" she grumbled and began readying the cameras.

"Is he done yet?" Xie Lian couldn't mask the annoyance in his question.

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