Chapter 19

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Frustration? Anger ? Or jealousy?
Rivan couldn't understand what his feelings exactly were , when he heard someone talking about how good his wife and her best friend looked together.
Her best friend !
that good for nothing bastard , wasn't leaving her side even for a second.
How irritating, he thought to himself.

Sanvi's eyes fall on her husband, who as standing exactly two steps away from her , and was frowning looking in her direction.

She gestured him to join her, and the next moment found him standing beside her , too close to be real.

Sanvi gave him a confused look but in return, Rivan only shrugged and wrapped his arms around her , which gave her a mini heart attack , but Rivan being Rivan was busy in giving stinky eye to Arsh, who remained unaffected by his glares , and continued to talk to Sanvi with extra sweetness.

Oh , so he has already decided to get into my nerves. Rivan thought to himself.

And the next moment he found himself asking Sanvi for a dance.

" Will you give me the honor of having a dance with you. " He asked her extending his hands towards, like a true gentleman.

While Sanvi, on the other hand was flabbergasted by his actions .
First the side hug and now the dance ,has he eaten something wrong or is he drunk? She thought to herself and instead of giving him her hand, she moved close to his mouth , and sniffed like a little puppy.
Rivan was confused as well as horrified and took few steps away, looking at his wife behaving weirdly. But there was someone who was enjoying this whole scene ,and that someone was Arsh , who was trying hard to suppress his laughter, knowing exactly what was cooking in his best friend's mind, seeing her husband's weird behavior . He even knew why Rivan was behaving that way , but he chose to keep mum and enjoy the show, unfolding before him.

" What are you doing Sanvi ? I just asked for a dance, what's wrong? " Rivan asked , being amused .

" that's what I want to ask , what's wrong , why are you behaving weirdly, that too here." Sanvi whispered at him .

" Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to have a dance with my friend, but if you aren't interested that It's completely fine ." He said , being pissed ,his already pissed up mood , became more sour ,by her behavior, even when somewhat , he knew that her behaving like this was completely justified, because that's how he wanted her to be with him, but still his mind wasn't ready to except the facts.

" Nothing like that....I was just....leave it , let's go and dance." She said shaking her head, and Rivan's face and mood both instantly bloomed , reason? He didn't know.

They both went into the middle of the hall , where lights were dimmed and other couples were already dancing.

The track changed and they started swaying their bodies on the tune of the beautiful song that played in background.

" you are looking ethereal today. " Rivan whispered sensually in Sanvi's ears , as he twirled her around and caged her in his arms.
Sanvi blushed furiously at his compliment and looked down . Rivan smiled at her shyness, and the red hue on her face , which was due to him.

Rishan smiled, watching his twin dance with his wife .
The song perfectly depicted the feelings Rishan had for Vidhi . Each and every word of the song , meant exactly what he felt for her. But he was unable to explain anything to her. How badly he also wanted to dance with his love , but Alas ! It wasn't possible, not atleast in the present scenario .
He sighed audibly and looked in the direction where Vidhi was standing. He shook his head and again sighed.
Vanika who was just beside him ,understood his condition and gave him a light pat on his shoulder and blinked her eyes in assurance. He , in return gave her a small smile.

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