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I arrive at the office to a surprising view, people from the investigation team clean up Vel's office while Vel himself is not present. Ping just standing there looking pretty upset, watching his subordinates moving out Vel's things from his office.

“Hey, what happened?” I came close to asking Ping.

“The Commissioner discharged Vel from the Investigation team and suspended him from the Police Force” said Ping clearly sounds upset.

“What? why?” I was genuinely surprised.

“The official letter only said ‘unprofessionalism and misjudgement’. This is totally bullshit!”

Ping angrily leaves and stomps his feet, possibly going to meet his dad, the Commissioner. 

I vaguely know what happened, is it just like what my dad said? Vel brought his downfall to himself and basically dug his own grave. I’m happy it’s finally happening, now Vel is officially out from the investigation and I don’t need to worry about him getting closer and closer to finding out that I’m, in fact, a serial killer.

But, I still want to know what exactly happened that made the Commissioner this angry at him. I tried to call Vel himself. again no one answered. I don’t want to waste my time by texting him because I know if he doesn't answer my call he also won't reply to my text. I’ll just find out where he is and go meet him directly. 

I came to Ten's office to ask him to find out Vel's location right now, but when I entered his office I heard something interesting coming from every speaker in Ten's office. Ten signaling me to just come in, close the door, and sit silently while he intensely listens to the heated conversation between Ping and The Commissioner.

“Are you planting bugs in The Commissioner’s office?” I ask Ten.

“I’m not, I only turn their phone into my personal listening device.” He said that so casually like saying I’m an idiot for not thinking the obvious “Sttt… now silent and listen.”

“You don’t need to do this to Vel, he is only doing his job and he did it brilliantly” Ping's voice sounded so mad.

“He is not doing his job if he ends up trying to bring down our own kind!” The Commissioner also sounded mad.

“It’s not his fault that all the clues for our suspect are pointing at some prominent Alpha family’s heir.” 

“It’s not his fault, but he should be able to adjust his own judgment so it will fit the atmosphere in our society.”

“That’s not how justice works, dad!”

“Not you too! It’s enough to have just one troublemaker who constantly makes the same mistake even after I give him a second chance. I should have just kicked him out from the team when he became news on social medias. 4 years ago he also made this kind of judgment, I gave him a chance to just go learn to be better and he went to New Zealand to study, yet he is coming back, still with the same wrong mindset.”

“Why was he the one who had the wrong mindset? Did you even listen to yourself, dad? You are protecting possible serial killer and kick out the person who is working so hard to catch the one who spread terror in our society.”

“Just stop! Stop with that ridiculous judgment of yours. You are my only heir, you should be the one who always supporting me.”

“I’m not, dad, I have 3 older siblings if you forgot, the exact same blood as me. They are willing to do anything to support you but you never even consider them as your offspring.”

The Enigma's Lover (PoohPavel AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ