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Hello everyone ! 

I know all are angry with me for not updating but there is valid reasons 

First-I have exams from 01-04-2024 so I have study break and they have given A lot of revision H.W so I not free.😥

Second-There is tons of guest present and also small children is there with guest so no doubt I don't get time to write. It's not like I hate guest and children, Actually I love guest and children because The home is filled with laughter's , Happiness and joyfulness and also according to Indian culture " अतिथि देवो भव: " we have to welcome guest with happiness. 

Third- The thing is I have Back pain from 1 month though I have taken medicines but no use of that. The doctor have told me not to sit as it will be more painful but being a student I have to sit for maximum 6 at home for study. Yesterday Night because of more sitting my back was started paining and I sleep at 2 AM Because of that. 

I know after reading all these reasons most of will think that I am telling lie but trust me I am not. I have written two parts with difficulties but I have to re-check it whether I have written right or wrong.

Forgive these small innocents author and Hope you will not write anything hatefully and understand me and support me.

 two parts will be uploaded tomorrow and if you want One today then write in the comment box I will re-check that quickly and upload it. 

I got one comment of suggestion That instead of writing the numbers, write name in the title of chapter. So if you all want that I write names of chapter instead of Number than comment it majority will win.

Another thing If there is any grammatical mistake than write in that Para that there is grammatical mistake instead of 'these'  'this' will come. I will surly apricate it and correct it.

That's all for today If you want one part today and second tomorrow than comment OR if you want both part tomorrow than also comment. I will post according to comments. Don't forget about Title as well. 

Thank you all for waiting. BYE-BYE. Love you all.


Loved by my Arrange HusbandOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant