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"Are you ready?" I ask my best friend Felicia as I finished lacing up my skates putting my black leg warmers over them.

"No, My fucking ankle hurts." She groaned putting on her gloves, which reminded me that I forgot mine.

 yesterday she had a pretty nasty fall but still insisted that she come to practice.

 I look up at her nervously, Felicia and I have been skating together since we were three and she's been my rock ever since.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask her seriously

"Yesss" she exhales dramatically. "Don't worry about me" she smiles twirling a small strand of my hair that I left out of my bun to frame my face, my eyes fluttered close enjoying the feeling of her playing with my hair. It reminds me of my father, god knows how much I miss him.

he loved watching me skate.

We had walked over to the rank waiting on the bleachers because the Zamboni was still out on the ice. Rays of sunlight faintly beamed down to the ice from the big windows. Turning to look at my best friend I can't help but admire her.

Felicia is a truly beautiful being with her long thick brown hair and smooth pale skin, she had these small green eyes that lit up with warmth anytime she smiled.

she suddenly gasps, startling me "what?" I sputtered

"Oh, I wanted to tell you about this guy I met-" she tries to clarify but got interrupted by my coach.

"Delilah, I want you on the ice" he ordered as the loud Zamboni finally rumbled off.

rolled my eyes playfully 

 "tell me after class, okay?" I ask Felicia she gave me small nod.

Stepping out on the ice hearing my skates as it cut through felt relaxing. This sound will never not be natural to me.

The whole practice I felt eyes on me.

Which was embarrassing because I kept popping my jumps and spinning out on easy spins, whoever is watching me probably thought I sucked anyway.


It was now 3:45 pm.

I wanted to practice my triple axle so I stayed a bit longer knowing my coach was frustrated with me for failing at my jumps today.

letting out a frustrating groan getting off the ice.

 panting weakly as I'm putting my skate guards on. My legs ache and my black leg warmers were covered in snow, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Don't get me wrong I love skating but It sometimes makes me feel like i'm wasting my time.

 walking over to the bleachers to take off my skates feeling a ball forming in my throat as I bend down.

"Don't you dare start crying" I mutter to myself feeling my hands start to tremble and my eye start to flood with tears. 

I'm not even sad, just annoyed that I couldn't do the stupid jump.

just as I was about to sit up to stop the tears from falling I felt the same eyes on me. Finally getting annoyed my eyes start to search for the being, immediately regretting it.

 his cold gray eyes held contact with my glossy ones.

 I nervously look away.

why the hell is this sexy ass man looking at me!?

while I'm crying too.. god why am I so embarrassing.


OMG!! what do you guys think!?


(Ps. Let me know what I can improve)

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