34 : || Hunt For Past ||

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The horizon in the East turned a dazzling shade of orange. The clouds spreading across the sky were making it an ethereal sight to the eyes.

While Yudhisthir stood on his balcony looking at the beautiful Sunrise, his mind was still wondering about the last night.

The chilled morning breeze brushed his body, but he could care less about him at that time.

His mind only replayed the memories of Panchali getting panic attacks.

It would be a white lie if he said he wasn't scared when she felt shortness of breath, or when glass pieces stuck in her foot, or when he noticed the blood trail coming out from her wound.

On top of that, to confuse him more, her words from last night were more like puzzles which he couldn't solve no matter what.

"You called us, Jyest?" Bheem asked, coming inside Yudhisthir's chamber with the other three alongside.

"Yes." His short reply confused them.

They went to the balcony where Yudhisthir stood.

"I am very sure that there is so much that we are not aware of." He mentioned, making his brother frown and look at each other.

"What are you talking about, Jyest?" Arjun asked.

"At midnight, I was in the study doing my work, when all of a sudden I heard a sound of something breaking from the upper floor." He started, with his voice dead serious.

"Upper floor as in where she resides?" Sahdev asked, while Yudhisthir nodded, affirming.

"At first I thought it was my misunderstanding but then again there was the same breaking sound. It was louder this time." He continued.

"I immediately went upstairs... because I was kind of worried that something happened to her. And honestly, my intuition was not wrong." He paused, taking a breath.

"What happened to her, Jyest? Is she okay?" Nakul asked, his voice laced with concern and urgency.

"She is better now, but that time, she wasn't." He answered.

"When I reached there, her room was filled with complete darkness and she stood beside her bed. That wasn't my concern but she was facing breathing problem. It was like she couldn't breathe." He paused again, his mind recalling the memories.

"For a moment, I got... scared." His voice was distant as if he was reliving the moment.

It was a whole new form of Yudhisthir to his brothers. Never in their life had they witnessed him being restless.

According to his name, he was Yudhisthir, the one who remain calm even at times of war.

The same eldest brother of the four Pandavas, who all never saw any other emotion than calmness over him, was feeling so restless that his voice was shaking and his eyes marred... Fear?

"Jyest...?" Sahdev called taking him out of his reverie.

"I helped her breathing normally and after a moment, when she came back to normal, I lighted the candles. And it was soon enough when I noticed the trail of blood over the floor and bed -"

"Blood..?" The four of them asked in unison, carrying panic in them.

"Glass pieces was scattered over the floor. And in the darkness, she stepped over it and hence her left foot was bleeding."

"Jyest, did you -"

"Don't worry, I cleaned the blood and put a bandage around her foot." He assured Sahdev.

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