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It had been around 10 days since Abhi heard Leher's dad showing her the divorce papers. Since then Leher had been trying her best to talk to Abhi about it but he kept avoiding her. Abhi knew she would not be happy in this marriage, even if he is ready to give a chance he won't be able to meet her hopes.


"Leher," I heard Abhi's voice from our room so I rushed in thinking it would something important. It has been days since we spoke properly. From the time he left for the trip he has changed. He looks awkward and uncomfortable around me. I wanted to tell him about my dad asking me to divorce him rather than him getting to know that from someone else.

"Yeah" I opened the room door and walked towards him. "Here," he handed me some document which made me confused as I'm never involved in his business decisions. "Why are you giving me your business documents?" I asked him to gain some clarity about the situation. "Open them and look at it for yourself," He said while pointing at the document. I curiously opened the seal and took out some papers.

And then it hit me. Divorce papers. They were divorce papers. I looked up at him only to see his look at me dead in the eye. "Abhi, what are these?" I tried my best to keep my voice stable but stuttered anyway. "I figured rather than your dad getting us divorced, we'd do it ourselves," he said out loud shamelessly. "What do you mean, Abhi? Have you lost your mind?" I said as warm tears rolled down my cheeks. He has fucking lost it. "Look, Leher. I heard your dad the other day. I had come to pick you up but I saw your dad handing you the divorce papers. I know you want a divorce and us doing this on our own-" "Shut up! Shut your mouth Abhi!" I fumed with anger and hurt while trying to understand our situation.

"Leher-" "You saw the divorce papers but did you care to stay and see what I would say? NO! Of course not," I scoffed out loud "You know everything because you are the great Abhinav Mukherjee, right?" I looked at him with hurtful eyes and I could see that he was taken aback by my words. "You can't even reply now? You know what? It's my fault. It's my fault for defending every mistake of yours, for taking your side even if you're wrong. In fact, it's my fucking fault for loving you with my whole heart," At this point my whole face was red and old tears were replaced by the fresh ones.

Everything was killing me. I was hurt from the core and nothing could heal me now. "Leher, I thought-" "No, you don't think! You straight up decide it for yourself. Good thing you don't get paid for thinking," I said sarcastically. "You know Abhi, when my dad gave me those papers I told him that I won't divorce you because I was sure that you would change and we'd be fine. Whatever happened before you left for the trip, I thought that was our new start but little did I know that my husband would hand me divorce papers. My great super sweet husband, right?" I could not take his silence anymore,

"Fucking reply, Abhi! You're such a coward, I say. I should've known better," I rolled my eyes while he came near me and held my hand, "don't fucking touch me! I don't want to be touched by my 'husband' who wants to divorce me and takes decisions for our marriage without my consent. I've had enough of your assumptions. A divorce is what you want right? Let's get divorced," I said while poking my index finger into his chest as many times as possible. I don't want a life where there's no love, no hope, no light.

"Leher, I had come to pick you up thinking you left me-" "enough!" I held my hand up in front of his face, "I don't need your explanation. It's not like you ever considered me as your wife even though we were married," the pain was very intense in my heart and it hurt a lot. "I thought you wanted it, so you'd be free from me," his voice cracked while speaking and then I saw tears in his eyes. Why were there tears in his eyes?

"You thought, Abhi? Have you ever considered talking to me about it? I was trying to talk to you for days about it but you kept ignoring me. Just tell me that you need the divorce-" "Stop it now, Leher!" I heard his loud voice cut me off. There was pure anger and hurt mixed in his eyes and voice.

He hurt me and he's the one hurt now? "Of course, I'll stop," I gave him a sarcastic smile and went closer to him, "just get that I loved you so much to fight for us but you apparently hated me so much that you made arrangements for our divorce and that too without my knowledge. This shit is enough to prove that you're a heartless man. A man who's not man enough to own up and talk."

With that I left the room with my phone leaving him speechless. I don't want leave my self-respect behind for someone who wouldn't talk to me for clarity. Who create an understanding before taking any decision? I ran to the balcony in our floor and fell on the floor. Am I took weak? I thought to myself. I cried my heart out letting all those emotions that were bottled up inside me for ages.

Do I deserve this? What did I do to not feel loved? What did I do so wrong that god decided to give me a husband who can't love me back? Am I that bad? A loud sob left my mouth filled with hurt and pain that my heart couldn't take.

I took out my phone and called Prem bhai. He picked up the call instantly, "Hello?" "Bhai, I-" before I could continue I heard bhai speak, "what happened to your voice?" I let out a sob that was stuck in my throat, concerning him. "Leher? What happened? Did Abhi do something?" I kept crying while he stayed on the call for me to calm down. Finally I could let out some words, "Bhai, Abhi and I are getting a divorce. Please don't ask any questions and come back with Bhabhi, please," I practically begged him on the phone.

"What? What do you- Okay no questions, we'll be there by the evening. Do you want to talk to Bhabhi?" he assured me and asked. "No, bhai. Can you both please come back fast?" I cried again causing him to get more worried. "We're starting in 10 minutes," I could hear his voice turn serious. I hummed as a response and cut the call. He will try to stop me from taking that decision but I couldn't care enough about it right now.

His family cared for me more than him. What did I do to deserve Abhi's hatred? I bawled my eyes out, letting out hot tears and unknown emotions. For the first time, I wanted to stay away from my husband and let out sorrowful cries. The tears would not stop for even a moment while I tried to wipe them off.

"Leher?" I heard Abhi say. Without looking at him I responded, "Why are you here? To hurt me again and-" "Leher please listen to me, please," "I won't. When I wanted you to listen to me, did you?" I looked at him with red eyes and he nodded a 'no'. "Please," he hugged my body that was holding onto the railing on the floor. "Don't touch me, please," I let out a loud sob.

I could see the tears streaming down his face and I couldn't but wonder, Abhi knows how to cry? "Abhi, I need a divorce," I said those for the first time. My mind was not thinking straight but I knew I had to do something. I cried in his arms and let out those words while he was comforting me. "Leher, please. We'll find a way-" "Don't compromise for someone who you can't love. Please, divorce me."
What do you think will happen next?
Has their story come to an end now?
Will they have a sad ending?
Feel free to share your opinions, constructive criticism is appreciated here:)🫶🏼

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