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After a long day at the office, Akaida drove herself home in her sleek Mercedes AMG- GTR, the purr of the engine providing a soothing backdrop to her thoughts. Arriving at the Rajvansh mansion, she made her way to her room to freshen up before joining her family for dinner.

Descending the staircase, Akaida found her family gathered around the dining tabe, the clink of cutlery against china filling the air. As she took her seat, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. With a quick apology, she excused herself from the table to answer it.

"Hello?" Akaida spoke into the phone, her tone businesslike yet concerned as she listened to the caller on the other end

"Ms. Rajvansh, this is your assistant from London," came the voice on the other end of the line. "I have some important news regarding Eclipse."

Akaida's heart skipped a beat at the mention of her beloved pet which she used in her mafia work to scare her preys"Go on."

Her assistant proceeded to inform her about Eclipse's imminent arrival, detailing the arrangements for his journey to the Rajvansh mansion the following day.

After ending the call, Akaida turned to her family but did not care to give a explanation or care about anything . And starts eating.

As dinner resumed, Akaida couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of Eclipse joining them soon. She knew her family would be in for a surprise, but for now, she relished in the anticipation of introducing them to her majestic companion.

She thought to tell her so called family members about the arrival of a new guest.

Akaida took a moment to gather her thoughts before addressing her family. Clearing her throat, she spoke up, "I have something to share with all of you. My pet, Eclipse, will be arriving at the Rajvansh mansion tomorrow after my college classes."

There was a brief pause as her family members processed her words. However, instead of the expected nods of agreement, a few furrowed brows and exchanged glances indicated some dissent.

Her cousin Vidhi spoke up first, her tone tinged with skepticism. "Akaida, are you sure bringing a pet into the mansion is a wise decision? We've never had animals here before, and it could disrupt the household."

Akaida's gaze hardened slightly as she responded, her voice cool and composed. "Eclipse is not just any pet. He's a part of my life, and I've made arrangements for his arrival. His presence won't disrupt anything."

Her Chachi, chimed in, her expression mirroring Vidhi's concern. "But we don't even know anything about this pet of yours.

Despite Akaida's assurances, the dissenting voices around the table persisted, each family member expressing their own reservations about the sudden introduction of a pet into the household.

Finally, Akaida's patience wore thin, and she spoke with a hint of steel n her voice. "I understand your concerns, but this decision is mine to make. Eclipse will be arriving tomorrow, and I expect everyone to treat him with the same respect and courtesy as any other member of this family."

Her words hung in the air, a silent admonition to those who dared to question her judgment. With a nod of finality, Akaida rose from the table, her stance unwavering as she prepare do retire for the evening. Whether her family members agreed with her decision or not, Eclipse would soon be a permanent resident of the Rajvansh mansion, and there would be no room for dissent.

Akaida's announcement about her pet's impending arrival at the Rajvansh mansion was met with mixed reactions from her family members. While some nodded in acceptance, others expressed hesitation and doubt. Sensing their skepticism, Akaida's demeanor turned cold as she addressed their concerns.

A Girl : One Could Never ExpectWhere stories live. Discover now