Confession Letters (4)

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It had been two weeks that Avni had shifted in her new apartment & thus, two weeks since they used to go for their morning runs together. They even visited the recreational club together every alternate day & both of them loved every bit of it. Both of them enjoyed each other's company, as it was just easy being with each other, they could be their own-selves around each other -  no filters & no apprehensions whatsoever! 

Neil had not felt so relaxed in a long while. Unconsciously, Avni had become that person who Neil went back to after an exhausting day at work. They used to tell each other about their day at work, do pottery, play guitar & walk back home together. The morning jog also helped to know each other better as they talked about politics, movies, books, environment, society, economy & probably all other things under the sun! 

Avni was living her dream. She had thought that life was good before but she was a little extra happy since she moved opposite Neil's. He had become the reassurance to her overthinking, & the pixie stardust in her otherwise mundane fairytale! She knew for a fact that she treading a very risky path! One wrong step & she'd definitely fall in love with him all over again when he'd just see her as a an admirer, just a friend! She did not want that, but she just could not stop herself to soak in his sunshine for a little-while till her heart eventually gave up! 

Right now, they were stepping out of the club after an hour of doing pottery. Avni had finally learnt how to make pottery mug today, & the grin on her face did not seem to fade any time soon! 

N - How about we celebrate your achievement by eating out, huh? - he excitedly offered. 

A - Hey, that's a great idea! How about some pan-fried momos with spicy chilly sauce? - she exclaimed! 

N - Pan-fried momos it is! - he confirmed while grinning at her. 

A - I know this food corner that sells amazing momos. The lady who runs it is from Darjeeling, her food is just so authentic, you know! You'll fall in love! - she explained while her eyes twinkled out of excitement & Neil thought he had never seen a more serene site! 

They booked a taxi & reached the place in about an hour all the while Avni explained how amazing her food was & how she just couldn't get enough. And, Neil listened to her as if she was telling him about the most fascinating thing in the world. He was fascinated! 

Reaching the spot, Avni led him to the back door of the food corner while Neil followed her confusedly. 

N - Uh, why are we going from the back door, Avni? 

A - I want you to meet someone. Come! - she held his hand & opened the door. 

The moment Neil stepped in & took in his surroundings, he was spellbound. It was small room with an idol of Buddha at the centre and it was so beautifully decorated that Neil just couldn't look away. The main idol of Buddha was adorned with a garland of fresh white flowers, & it was surrounded by a number of other miniature idols which were all carved of white marble. The space was entirely decorated with a huge variety of flowers - there were lilies, roses, daisies, hibiscus & their fragrance was  enough to calm anyone down. Neil also figured that there was a wide variety of fruits offered to the God - oranges, strawberries, kiwis, pineapple, peaches, dragon fruits & what not! He was completely captivated by the aura of the room. 

N - This is so beautiful! - he murmured making Avni smile. 

A - Come, let's offer our greetings. - she had still held his hand, not that he mind, in fact he smiled at her. 

They offered their greetings & then Avni led him towards a passage which led them to another room which Neil assumed was a kitchen. It was only after entering the kitchen that Avni let go of his hand, he didn't like the loss of the warmth her hand provided but kept mute anyway. 

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