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8 months later

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8 months later

      Robyn sat down in the chair and picked up the phone, connecting her to Psalm on the other end. Through the glass that separated them, they could see each other's faces, their eyes locking in a tender moment.

"How you holding up?" she asked, her lips trembling.

  Psalm responded with a carefree shrug, a hint of mirth in his eyes. "I'm hanging in there, it's only been 8 months, Robyn you know. You ask me that every time you visit" he laughed.

It had only been Eight months, but for him, it felt like an eternity. "My bad, I'm just tryna see how my man is doing up in here" she said, making him chuckle at her wit.

"Shit, I'm surviving," he replied with honesty "I've been working out, that's pretty much it."

Robyn looked at the contours of Psalm's body, her lips involuntarily parting in admiration. "I can see that," she said, her voice barely above a whisper "Your arms are getting bigger."

Psalm nodded, a proud smile spreading across his face. "Hell yeah, I've been putting in that work."

His eyes then shifted to her growing belly, which was ready to pop any minute now...  "How's my mini me doing?" he asked, still thrilled that she was carrying his child. giving him his first girl at that fact.

"She's doing well,  she's a feisty one. always kicking and hiding" Robyn said with a chuckle. Psalm laughed, catching the joke. "That's my baby, she giving you all the love until I get back," he teased.

Robyn raised an eyebrow, playfully "Kicking? Loving? No way, not the best position to be in"

Psalm continued to laugh, and Robyn added, "The boys are ready for her to come,  they're excited to be big brothers"

"I bet they are. those young kings and I will be there to guard her every step of the way."

   Robyn switched the phone to her other ear and pressed her hands against the glass, trying to follow the outline of Psalm's hand on the other side.

"You're going to be an amazing dad, Psalm," she said reassuringly. Psalm shrugged, his expression tinged with guilt.  "I hope so, Robyn. I'll miss half of her life. I'll never be able to make up for lost time."  the weight of his absence he could already feel.

Robyn's feeling Psalm's pain said. "You'll make up for it, Psalm. You'll be an amazing father I know you will, and our daughter will know how much you love her. You'll have a lifetime to make memories, to make up for lost time." She traced his hand on the glass again, her fingers following the outline of his.

"Thank you, ma. I hope so," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Damn, you're trying to make me cry in here" he added, looking around self-consciously.

The silence that followed was heavy. as if they could feel each other's presence through the glass. 

"I miss touching you so much" Robyn said softly, her voice laced with yearning. "I wish I could hold you."

Psalm's response was a soft, knowing chuckle. "I wish I could hold you too, ma." He then teased, "You already know what I want to do to you fuck around and make baby number four. Stop playing with me"

Robyn laughed, covering her face. But then Psalm's tone shifted, his doubts surfacing. "Seriously tho, Robyn, I don't expect you to wait eight years for me. You don't know what could happen in that time." He didn't want her to put her life on hold for him.

Robyn's smile faltered. "Psalm, I'm not going anywhere," she said firmly. "My mother always said that if you want something, you go after it, no matter how long it takes" Robyn said with a smile.

"I've been single for a while now, ain't nobody just gonna come and sweep me off my feet. I'm focused on you, Psalm,  I want you baby number four and all" she joked, playfully.

Psalm's face softened, his doubts fading away. "I want you too, ma," he replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

"You keep me going. Ain't never had anyone like you in my life. When you're around, I see better days."

"Before you get baby number four, you gotta get the ring first, I'ma get you that" Psalm said, causing Robyn's jaw to drop in shock at the mention of marriage.

"Do you mean it?" she asked, her voice with excitement.

"Hell yeah, I'm tryna start a family with you" Psalm replied, but their conversation was cut short as the phone minutes began to run out.

"These minutes lowering, ma, we gotta wrap it up, I love you, Robyn" Psalm said urgently.

"I love you too, Psalm" Robyn managed to say before the call abruptly ended, leaving her sitting in stunned silence, the phone still in her hand.

    "I love you too, Psalm" Robyn managed to say before the call abruptly ended, leaving her sitting in stunned silence, the phone still in her hand

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authors note: thank you for reading, I wrote this as something that didn't need to be dragged out at all. it was fun writing, I write for fun I want anyone who reads my books to know that lol and I appreciate every view & vote or comment of the sort. let me know how you feel about the characters or anything etc lol always willing to chat. I'm on to writing the next books I have in store, thank you once again. 

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