Chpt.5 - Nurses Office

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Okey, maybe i was lying a little bit about the chapter being full fluff, but atleast there's some (don't be mad at me) - A/N

Also a big thank you to Chloe6776082 for actually anwsering my questions!!

Johnnie POV

"Wait why? I'm fine."

Jake looks at me with his eyebrows raised and i say with a quieter voice.

"I've had worse."

Either Jake didn't hear that or he ignored me, 'cause we kept walking to the nurses office.

Once we got there, our school nurse, Maria gasps and quickly ushered me to the to the other room.

There were stuff on the bed so i had to sit down on the chair besides it.

"I'm so sorry, i didn't think something this bad would happen. What or who did this to you?"

Nurse Maria asks, as she takes out a box of bandages and starts to put them on my neck and jaw.

I try to say that 'i fell.', but i couldn't.

Jake said in a hurry: "Bullying."

I glare at Jake, mostly because i don't want anyone to find out that i, well i wouldn't call it 'suffering' or 'being beaten up', just something like 'being talked too harshly'.

Holding my forearm, i look down anxiously, feeling quite tired.

Nurse Maria asked: "Does it hurt?", before trying to roll up my sleeve.

I quickly put my hands behind my back, and she must've understood the hint, 'cause she left it alone.

I pray, that that action went unnoticed my Jake.

"Okay," Nurse Maria starts. "You will have to stay here for a couple of hours, since i gave you some medicine that makes you a bit drowsy. Do you have anyone who could take care of you at home?"

I shake my head.

"Your parents?"

I look down for a couple of seconds before looking up and telling her:

"My mom is working and my dad is dead."

Her eyes widen as she seems to gather her thoughts.

"Well do you have any friends that can-"

"I can help him." Jake butts in.

No, i'm fine. I don't need any help.

"It's fine i can do it by myse-"

"Okay then you're watching him sir. And for you," She turns to me.
"No, you can't do it alone. For the couple of days someone will need to watch over you and help you do a couple of things. And, you're also pretty light weight."

I wanted to argue, but the nurse was already leaving the room.

"Why did you do that?" I ask Jake, a bit annoyed with him.

"Because you need help. I'll not leave you alone in this situation."

Not wanting to argue, i just close my eyes and try to relax. I didn't even notice the nurse coming back and cleaning the bed.

I felt a pair of strong, muscled arms come around my body, lifting me up and a warm blanket coming on me.

It felt like my head had been lifted gently and i might've heard the jingle of my necklases. I felt my head gingerly touch the pillow before i fell asleep, but who knows, it may have been all a dream.


Waking up, i felt good.

Really good.

Not tired and shitty as i usually do.

I slowly lift my head up to see... Jake holding one of my hands and laying his head on the bed, all while sitting on the uncomfortable chair.

Judging by the slow breathing, he was also sleeping.

It must've been atleast five hours, because the orange sun coming in through the windows, shows that the sun is setting soon.

And... i was right. I look at the wall clock which, it said it's exactly 6.30 p.m.


School closes in ten minutes!

I gently take my hand out of Jakes grip, which was surprisingly strong.
Using that hand, i put it on his shoulder and shake it slowly.

"Jake," i whisper. "Jake, wake up."

Jake slowly opens his eyes, before he croaked out : "What?"

'Damn, he has a sleepy voice.'

I widen my eyes at my own thoughts, shaking them off.

"Jake, we have about eight minutes, until the school closes. Let's go, please. I don't wanna get stuck."

Jake quickly gets up and says : "Why didn't you wake me up earlier!", and giving me his hand to hold.

"Well come on then!"

I hesitate a second before thinking 'fuck it' and taking his hand. We start quickly walking, since i still couldn't run.

We make it out of the school exactly a minute before the security guard comes and locks the door.

"Sooo, what now?" Jake asks me.

"Well you can go home, i'm fine now-"

"Nope, i'm not leaving you alone. Can i get your phone number so i can text you? I'll go home, take my clothes, and come to your place. You can text the address."


"If you're gonna say that you're fine, i'm not even gonna grab my clothes and i'm coming straight with you."

I nod and take my phone out of my pocket, no room left for arguing in his voice.

I give him my number and he walks away with a "Send me your address, and i'll come soon. Bye!"

While walking, i send him my address, causing a car to honk at me.

Fuck off!

Honestly, how annoying.

856 words.'re oblivious if you think that's not bullying.

-I love writing fluff<3

-There will be a part 2 for this!!!

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